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PHY 113 Hooke s Law Springs Objective The objective of this lab was to test Hooke s Law by measuring the spring constants of different springs and spring. ∴ Stress ∝ Strain. In position (B) a force F is used to compress the spring by a length equal to Δ x by pushing the block to the left. Hooke's Law In the diagram below is shown a block attached to a spring. Hooke's law describes a certain light spring of unstretched length 32.0 cm. Sign in Register; Hide. b) Hooke’s law c) Stress law d) Poisson’s law Answer: b Clarification: Hooke’s law states that strain is directly proportional to strain produced by the stress when a material is loaded within the elastic limit. University. To investigate Hooke's Law (The relation between force and stretch for a spring) F = -kx 2. To revisit Newton's 3 rd Law of Motion. Objective The objective of this lab is to show that the response of a spring when an external agent changes its equilibrium length by x can be described by Hooke’s Law, F. = -kx. General Physics (PHY 112) Academic year. PHYS-101 LAB-03 ELASTIC FORCES and HOOKE’S LAW 1. 2018/2019. WILD 1140 Name: Pd: Springs PhET Lab - Periodic Motion and Hooke's Law Introduction: To stretch a spring, a force must be applied. Arizona State University. When one end is attached to the top of a door frame, and a 7.20-kg object is … Hooke’s Law: The red line in this graph illustrates how force, F, varies with position according to Hooke’s law. The generalised Hooke’s law equation connecting the strain to stress contains _____ elastic constants. In position (A) the spring is at rest and no external force acts on the block. Hooke's Law gives us the formula for how much force we need to apply to stretch or compress a spring. 2. The spring constant "k" is the variable we use to express how stiff a spring is. You can investigate Hooke's Law by measuring how much known forces stretch a spring. For an isotropic, homogeneous and elastic material obeying Hooke’s law, the number of independent elastic constants is _____ Hooke's Law, believe it or not, is a very important and widely-used law in physics and engineering. What are the units of k? What are the spring constant (k) is for spring 1 and spring 2? Name: Prabhnoor Kaushal Date: July 16, 2020 Physics 11 Forces Hooke’s Law PhET Lab Purpose: 1. Hooke's Law Lab Report PHY 113. The slope of this line corresponds to the spring constant k. The dotted line shows what the actual (experimental) plot of force might look like. Fs= kx k is the spring constant and it spring with support stand weight hanger various metric weights (both small and large) Introduction When a spring is pulled on by a force, the spring will stretch … Title: Microsoft Word - Hookes_Law_Lab_IntrotoPhysicsMathofPhysics.rtf Author: Twila Masaschi Created Date: 9/22/2010 12:18:31 PM Course. Hooke's Law Objective In this lab, the student will investigate Hooke's law and see that it applies to springs Key Concepts . A scientist would ask, "How is the force that … Answer: a Clarification: In the simplest form, the Hooke’s law states that within the elastic limit, stress is directly proportional to strain. Physics Lab Answers- Hooke's Law 🎓1. Hooke's Law Elasticity Proportionality Constant • Spring Constant Weight Equipment List . Which spring is stiffer? Discussion: Everybody knows that when you apply a force to a spring or a rubber band, it stretches. Newton, and the answer has come to be called Hooke's Law. 2. Its applications go far beyond springs and rubber bands.
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