The first encounter of Telemachus is not very strong, for he is isolated and secluded in his own mind. Telemachus must needs get away from his nurse, away from his attendants, away from the suitors, before he can be a factor in the great events which seemed so rapidly nearing. What is the purpose of Telemachus' quest? His action of just sitting and watching the suitors reveals how he is so lonely with no one there to support him. If you have a suggestion about this website or are experiencing a problem with it, or if you need to report abuse on the site, please let us know. Telemachus just stays to himself and does not let anyone inside of him. Though the gods are very powerful, they must sometimes yield to mortals – especially if mortals employ god-like cunning. As he listens, he starts to become proactive in his actions. After figuring out his plans with Athena, Telemachus goes on his journey and meets different kings and Queens, who knew his father very well. Gather a crew and look for info about his father. Power and humility go hand in hand. When he met Athena for the first time, she made him adapt and change to what she wanted him to be. Telemachus, son of Odysseus is a main character in the book the Odyssey.Throughout books 1-4 Telemachus begins to discover who he is. Telemachus is showing so much maturity at this time for he is asking Menelaus for the truth, good or bad, he wants the truth. Telemachus followed the advice, but the suitors refused to quit his house; and Athena, in the form of Mentes, accompanied Telemachus to Pylos. Menelaus' wife, Helen, first suspects that the disguised Telemachus may be Telemachus, Odysseus' son. Telemachus is also very distant and aloof in a way because he does not know the truth about himself, or the past of his Father. The change and progress Telemachus has made from the beginning of The Odyssey, written by Homer, is quite noticeable from being detached from everything to becoming one of the most honored son’s in the eyes of very powerful people. The meetings with these people helped Telemachus progress into a confident and fearless man. The maturity and growth of Telemachus is amazing in the fact that it happened in such a short period of time. Telemachus initially asserts himself by calling an assembly of Ithaca's leaders in order to protest the suitors' activities. She had been cunning in Troy as well by taking on the identities of other women, just as Odysseus had been cunning by taking on the identity of a beggar. Menelaus grieves especially for Odysseus, because it is particularly unjust that such a clever and hardworking man should suffer such a harsh punishment from the gods. -F.Scott Fitzgerald, the Great Gatsby "To write it, it took three months; to conceive it three minutes; to collect the data in it all my life." What did Ogygia look like? Not only did the new eager and confident Telemachus not give up, he went to Sparta on another adventure to see Menelaus. Although Telemachus is the son of a world-famous father, it does not help him in anyway. Athena, taking the guise of Odysseus’s friend Mentor, serves as Telemachus’s right-hand man, inspiring him to stand up to the suitors and also to take control of his situation and find out more about what happened to his father. Cunning is a quality that narrows the gap between the mortal and the divine. Menelaus notices Telemachus's hands and feet. Also, if you have a comment about a particular piece of work on this website, please go to the page where that work is displayed and post a comment on it. LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Menelaus knew that his father Odysseus was not going to be in the city. (weird, i know). Why does Telemachus refuse Menelaus's gift of horses? . -Graham S. Proteus tries to fight Menelaus's cunning with his own cunning, but the king eventually gets his way. He was in a way performing natural selection in his own style. Favorite Quote:"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past." While talking to his wife, Helen (the Helen) he says, "Now that you mention it, I see the likeness too. Though Menelaus must feel powerful to have defeated a god, he also learns to show piety and respect toward the gods. He then progresses to being assertive in how he goes about finding his father. He grieves for all his comrades, Menelaus says, but he grieves for. In Book 4 of the Odyssey, Telemachus is in Sparta. Instant downloads of all 1413 LitChart PDFs Telemachus does not give Menelaus a clear answer because the problem is both public and private: the honor of the realm and Telemachus's honor are both at stake. “ Prince Telemachus/ sitting among the suitors, heart obsessed with grief,/he could almost see his magnificent father, here…” (I.132-134). He was able to adapt and change to better himself. Telemachus followed the advice, but the suitors refused to quit his house; and Athena, in the form of Mentes, accompanied Telemachus to Pylos. Menelaus again kindly received him, and communicated to him the prophecy of Proteus concerning Odysseus (Hom. Please enter the email address that you use to login to, and we'll email you instructions to reset your password. As the new “ poised Telemachus” (III.84) explains to King Nestor who he is and what he came for, he did not in the end get what he had asked for, which was the answer to the question about his father. This is so well written. Very informative! This action is a major visual of how dramatically Telemachus’ change has been so far. Telemachus just stays to himself and does not let anyone inside of him. Telemachus learns "diplomacy," since he's offered horses and all manner of things from his host in this Book, but refuses the horses, since Ithaca "is only good for goats" and asks only for enough to get him home again. Answered by jill d #170087 on 10/25/2015 11:05 PM Please do NOT post your questions more than once. [7] According to the Bibliotheca , Menelaus raised his sword in front of the temple in the central square of Troy to kill her, but his wrath went away when he saw her rending her clothes in anguish, revealing her naked breasts. An example of a proper household is evident in these two halls. He is to find word or rumor of Odysseus and his fate. “ No Comfort left for us…not even if/ someone, somewhere, say’s he’s coming home,/ the day of his return will never dawn.” (I.194-196) The distance between him and his father is extremely large which gives him no desire to go out and look, and in the end makes him grieve for long periods of time. "… any host who is either too kind or not kind enough." A goddess helps him escape his predicament by using trickery and disguise. Wow thankyou so much! Struggling with distance learning? Telemachus does not give Menelaus a clear answer because the problem is both public and private: the honor of the realm and Telemachus's honor are both at stake. How dose Menelaus respond to Telemachus wanting to leave? As the epic opens, Telemachus, about 21 years old, is on the brink of manhood, uncertain and insecure in his potential power, and in grave danger from the suitors who would prefer to see him dead. He is already taking charge and making things happen for himself. Who used to be the Phaeaceans' neighbors? The growth in Telemachus has now proved him to be a proactive man with the dignity and power that resembles his father, Odysseus. -F. Scott Fitzgerald, Which of your works would you like to tell your friends about? Menelaus then tells the tale of Proteus. Later in Book 18, they urge him to fight the other beggar, Irus, for their amusement, with Eurymachus insulting him and throwing a stool at him, and the other suitors wishing him away. Menelaus again kindly received him, and communicated to him the prophecy of Proteus concerning Odysseus. Menelaus offers good xenia, he greets the guests and sits them down to have a meal with himself and Helen. (II.243-246) Telemachus is so sure with himself that he will find his father. He is visiting Menelaus, the king of Sparta, in order to find out more information about his father Odysseus, who has been missing ever since the Trojan War started twenty years earlier. because Sparta is goatland. The evolution in Telemachus has gone through, is quite stunning in the fact that he changed so fast and that he changed because of the people he met and the places he went to. After this, Telemachus returns to Ithaca. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class.”. He scared the suitors from his drastic change, “ and they all bit their lips,/ amazed the prince could speak with so much daring,” (I.438-439) As Telemachus is becoming fired up, his appearance also shows how he has improved as he, “ strode in too, a bronze spear in his grip/and not alone: two sleek hounds went trotting at his heals.” (II.10-11) His new mindset wants to get things done so he starts taking leadership and leads the assembly. there is not enough space for horses in Ithica. thanks now my english project is so much easier. Telemachus regretfully declined these gifts for his own reasons. The king's story implies that he did not always respect the gods, and that his trials have taught him modesty and piety. After Telemachus sets sail, the farther he gets from Ithica, the more confident he becomes in how he presents himself. Od. i.–iv. 2. He does not believe that Odysseus is his father since he has come from Menelaus' kingdom where they have said he must be dead. From Telemachus? From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. How does Athena help Penelope? Thank you! What does Mentes tell Telemachus in Book I that he must do? We'll make guides for February's winners by March 31st—guaranteed. Now if I hear my Father’s alive and heading home,/ Hard-pressed as I am, I’ll brave out one more year,/ If I hear he’s dead, no longer among the living,/ then back I’ll come to the native land I love. What gift does Menelaus first offer Telemachus? “Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. The confidence and poise of Telemachus at this time is much more visible and has shown a huge change over the past books. Our. The Cyclops . They want to kill him while he's on his journey or steal away his mother. produced him. Why does Nausikaa decide to wash the palace laundry? When he declares that he is master ofthe house, partially caused by the newfound courage distilled in him by Athena,he is introducing a new him. “ I came in the hope that you can tell me now/ some news about my father.............., tell me the truth,” (IV.351). Since Telemachus has no father present to model after, he is now fully aware of the mistreatment of the suitors… Telemachus went to Menelaus because he trusted him. Why doesn't Telemachus take the gift? In both stories, Odysseus's cunning is pitted against Helen's cunning, but in both cases he comes out on top; perhaps Helen damaged her luck by betraying her husband and dishonoring herself. Menelaus tells Telemachus he looks just like Odysseus which is when Telemachus tells him he is truly the son of Odysseus. 3 horses. Telemachus acts very distant before he meets Athena, for he does not know what to do with himself. This is a really simple, casual way to offer to help someone. After Menelaus and his … Even upon his arrival in Pylos, Telemachus has a touch of cold feet, dithering as he disembarks his ship. The next morning Telemachus asks Menelaus plainly what the fate of his father is, if the older man knows it. In this way, he chooses piety over glory. I can't remember the name of the city. Before his sudden greeting from Mentes (Athena), Telemachus is an aloof man who does not know what is going on in his surroundings. Before meeting the most helpful character in this book, Athena, Telemachus is very aloof, and distant from everyone and everything. This was his opportunity to establish his positionabove the suitors and prepare for his announcement that he will go search forhis father. The suitors are impious to plot against a man that is loved by the gods (not to mention whose hospitality they are abusing), because they are pitting their wills against the wills of the gods. Now, as no guest comes and goes as he pleases in a palace, Telemachus begged Menelaus to give him leave to return to Ithaca, which the king conceded without hesitation, being the kind of man who condemned. With her guidance and encouragement, Telemachus was able to go even further and adapt to what King Nestor had told him, and soon enough what had led to meeting Menelaus. Telemachus receives de facto training and education from three mentors in the first four books of the Odyssey, those being Athena, Nestor, and Menelaus. They will all be answered in a timely … Asked by b a #474094 on 10/25/2015 10:58 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 10/25/2015 11:05 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. The forgetfulness is not dangerous only because it is a company of friends. thanks alot man, this totally helped me understand what and how to write a telemachy essay due for english, great points and u explained it very clearly. His experience teaches him that it is better to stay home and live honorably than to seek adventure, risking death and dishonor for himself and his loved ones. When Odysseus, disguised as the beggar Castor arrives in his palace, Antinous berates him and asks Telemachus to send him away, later throwing a stool at Odysseus after he begs for food. Without any doubts Odysseus continues to believe in the loyalty of the Penelope and this believe is supports him, gives him the strength to carry all the difficulties of the path and still get to his beloved. Athena responds to Penelope's prayer by giving her rest and comfort. Telemachus: goes to visit Nestor, king of Pylos, and Menelaus, king of Sparta. This disagreement allowed Telemachus to step into the limelight, andexpress himself as a force to be reckoned with. Helen displays her cunning both in guessing Telemachus's identity and in tricking the men into pleasant forgetfulness. Menelaus complimented him when saying, “ Your Father’s son you are – your words have all his wisdom.” (IV.229) Menelaus understood where Telemachus was coming from, and what his background was. Girl in a Cage by Jane Yolen and Richard J. Harris, Register your interest to Subscribe to Teen Ink magazine. A way Telemachus comes across as aloof before encountering a plan with Athena, is that he is has absolutely no hope that his father is still alive. Menelaus displays piety when he insists that mortals are always inferior to gods, instead of emphasizing his unequalled treasures. :). Every time he met a different person or was in a different situation that was out of his comfort zone of being distant. Offer them food, drink, and a bath; Give up the most comfortable chair for them ; Not ask them any questions until they are satisfied and comfortable; Give them a gift to depart with (When a guest) be respectful, charming, entertaining, don’t outstay your welcome and give a gift if you have one; The Abduction of Helen. Unlike the treatment in his own halls, Nestor and Menelaus are very kind to him as he is to them. Penelope does. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. respect, Athene is responsible for setting Telemachus up and guiding him on the beginning of his journey. Telemachus has already undergone so many changes so far, that his growth and development can only improve and make him stronger. The stories that Menelaus told to Telemachus really gave him the strength to go after his father. Telemachus, Odysseus’ son, is on a mission to find his father. How does Menelaus respond to Telemachus wanting to leave? Answered by judy t #197809 on 9/25/2013 12:31 PM Telemachus challenges Odysseus; Odysseus reappears as himself rather than the old beggar and Telemachus says, "Stranger,/you are no longer what you were just now!/Your cloak is new; even your skin! Please note that while we value your input, we cannot respond to every message. a mixing bowl of silver and gold. There, at Menelaus's palace, he hears of his father's (Odysseus's) exploits at Troy 20 years previously, and that his father is alive. Not having a father as a child severely affects Telemachus.He becomes a timid, shy boy who is pampered by his mother. i wonder why my book doesnt have the same lines as yours does for the book i tried looking up the quotes.. In this conversation, Athena gives him the courage and knowledge of Telemachus’ father. point of view, he does not have a relationship with Athene as such as she appears as Mentes and Mentor. Though his chat with Athena, Telemachus was able to grow and understand what he needs to do to save his father. The king's story implies that he did not always respect the gods, and that his trials have taught him modesty and piety. Telemachus is changing so much that he is even willing to take risks in his life now. Meanwhile, the suitors gather a crew of twenty men and prepare a ship. Menelaus and Helen both display cunning in guessing Telemachus's identity: tears and grief often serve to break through anonymity and disguise. Even before Menelaus learns his identity, he notes Telemachus’ regal appearance: “Your parents’ blood / is hardly lost in you. There they were hospitably received by Nestor, who also sent his own son to conduct Telemachus to Sparta. After they have spoken more, Telemachus spends a night in the palace. As the suitors rummage through his home and eat all of his food and drink all of his wine, Telemachus does not stand up for himself, but just lets them destroy his house as he sits down and watches them. We try to make the best site it can be, and we take your feedback very seriously. In addition to offering advice, what else does Mentes from Taphos give to Telemachus? but as the sun was rising from the fair sea into the firmament of heaven to shed light on mortals and immortals, they reached Pylos the city of Neleus. You must be born of kings, / bred by the gods to wield the royal scepter” (4.69-71). ). There they were hospitably received by Nestor, who also sent his own son to conduct Telemachus to Sparta. To take him to King Menelaus of Sparta. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. He is so sure that he even bet his mother’s pride and womanhood. He is joined by Nestor's son Peisistratus when he continues to Sparta. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!”, “This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. As he talks to Athena, he is unsure of his own identity. From Sparta Telemachus … Menelaus's piety and hospitality contrast sharply with the callous impiety of the suitors. He gives word of Odysseus . A goddess helps him escape his predicament by using trickery and disguise. On his journey, Telemachus goes to the island of Pylos, and meets King Nestor. They also tell him that Odysseus is most … Menelaus resolved to kill Helen, but her irresistible beauty prompted him to drop his sword and take her back to his ship “to punish her at Sparta”, as he claimed. See to your feasting elsewhere,/ devour your own possessions, house to house by turns.” (I.430-431) Telemachus gained courage and kicked out the suitors from his house. He is no longer the safe guy, he is now making pacts about his father and is risking his life and mostly his mothers life over his journey. "My students can't get enough of your charts and their results have gone through the roof." His action of just sitting and watching the suitors reveals how he is so lonely with no one there to support him. What did Telemachus request of Nestor's son? Penelope, on the other hand, respects divine will by asking for Athena's help. Though Athena assures Penelope of Telemachus's safety, she cannot say anything about Odysseus: perhaps there is a limit to the knowledge permitted to mortals, because certain kinds of knowledge interfere with fate. Even before the stories were told, Telemachus had a sense of what was needed when speaking to Menelaus so he could live up to his father’s legacy, which he did. Use this phrase when you're pretty sure that the other person will be happy to receive your help. The gods respect tactics of this kind – Zeus himself often took other shapes for various reasons. All of these encounters with people helped him become the man he is now, and he will continue this progress as he meets new people and goes to more unique places on his journey to find his father. What gift from Menelaus does Telemachus take? Now the people of Pylos were gathered on the sea shore to offer sacrifice of … which he supported in the fact that. (These links will automatically appear in your email.). He goes to Nestor, and hears stories about the Greeks. Teachers and parents! “ I’ll try my friend, to give you a frank answer,/ Mother has always told me I’m his son, it’s true,/ but I am not so certain.” (I.248-250) The words that he said show that he has been apart from his own culture and world for so long that he does not know how he stands. singing by the fire. When he was at his home in Ithica with the suitors swarming around, he was unable to connect himself to anything, which evidently caused him to suffer by losing control. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Menelaus wished to give Telemachus "three stallions and a chariot burnished bright...and a gorgeous cup." Telemachus Visits Nestor at Pylos. (including. Menelaus begins to tell Telemachus about the Trojan war and how women cannot be trusted. After he gets the reassurance he needed from Athena, he goes back to the suitors to tell them off, “ You must leave my palace! This sincerity portrays Telemachus as trustworthy, and convicted to the treatment of his guest. Both figures that command Telemachus? Telemachus (Greek: Τηλέμαχος, Tēlemakhos, literally "far-fighter") is a figure in Greek mythology, the son of Odysseus and Penelope. she sends her a phantom to comfort her. This suggests that he is speaking quickly, and with complete sincerity; this is later shown in Book 4, in which Menelaus criticises Telemachus for likening his palace to Zeus’ court. What was Calypso doing when Hermes arrived on her island? How do the suitors react when they learn of Telemachus' voyage? It is glorious to die in battle and to win great wealth from enemies; Menelaus rejects glory once again when he speaks of the deaths of his comrades with regret and of his plunder with indifference.
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