Why do my armpits smell like curry? When you are stressed or anxious, the apocrine glands produce a milky fluid. Seriously, who needs a pill to get your wood going when you’ve got a nice armpit to smell! There isn't a lot of scientific evidence to conclude that your diet … The apocrine glands are quite different from their peers found in the rest of the body — they secrete thicker, stickier sweat than those eccrine glands do. to wanna fist fight someone ? 0 Vote Up Vote Down. Onion Smelling Armpits, Is the Smell ALL Terrible? Other people might not think your armpits smell like pussy, but I bet they think they smell like something. Simply put, your body releases too much toxins at a pace it can’t safely handle. NO, I do NOT do marijuana/weed (not that there's anything wrong with that but just to be clear) but yeah my armpits will go through these phases of smelling just like marijuana or skunk since they smell similar lol? If dogs can smell cancer, it's not unreasonable that some people might be able to detect it as well. The fact is, body odor is primarily the toxic gas from the fermentation or putrefaction processes going on inside your body due to the ingestion of animal products and processed, refined foods. Favourite answer. Coming to more specifically armpits… This is formed as a result of interaction between bacteria Staphylococcus epidermidis with the skin. Computers & Internet. It smells "alkaline" and it doesn't sting my nose when I sniff it, but it smells just like semen and maybe a little like the swimming pool. The other option, is that you can be sensitive to the ingredients. It is … In India, traditionally women didn't show much skin. Relevance. ? Americans love to cover up symptoms rather than address their root cause. Search Google for "dog sniffing bladder cancer" if you don't believe me. Diseases like kidney or liver illness and diabetes are also among armpit odor causes. This is utterly false. I've even found that whey protein, including the clean, organic whey proteins, still result in "dirty" metabolic processes that produce odor. All you have to do is to assess your own smell. Seriously though, i'm sur its nothing just wear deoderant next time. Individuals taking drugs and toxins like … It has been found to help cortisol levels and persuaded it is a critical … Another reason for smelly armpits body odor is due to isovaleric acid. And to avoid the obvious answers NO i do not eat a lot of cellery. 0 0. They even expressed concern that we were going to quit on them! Does skin color matter to you when dating? I don't want to lose this client because they do send us a lot and pay quickly, and they love us. I'm 18 years old and male, and I masturbate regularly but I never let the spunk touch my armpits. They can also be trained to smell bladder cancer in your urine. The body doesn't just naturally stink. Americans don't want to give that up and, as a result, they are dying from completely preventable metabolic diseases with names like breast cancer, diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer's disease and atherosclerosis. In the modern age, we do. Get answers by asking now. Check out folks like Dr. Gabriel Cousens at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center if you want to learn how to revolutionize your body, mind and spirit by starting with healthful food choice. On its own this fluid is … Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. For instance, a genetic condition called trimethylaminuria leaves the body incapable of breaking down compounds found in fish, soy, and cruciferous vegetables, leading to a fishy smell. Certain foods and drinks you’ve consumed, as well as certain kinds of medication, can also cause eccrine sweat to smell. A lady on youtube whose name is Tina Jones says she smells like celery an hour or so after she puts coconut oil on her face. Most Americans can't imagine going through a day without using deodorant. I’ve … The more animal products you consume, the more toxic fumes you're going to emit from your armpits (and other regions). I've always had a very conflicted relationship with my body's smell. The Vietcong knew what few Americans will admit: We stink of dairy products. I had curry for dinner about a week ago and I can still smell it on me (mainly in my armpits) I have washed every day since then. I’ve been on the SDope a long time now. Put 2 air movers in. 0 Vote Up Vote Down. Update: Tbh, I don't mind. Favourite answer. It doesn’t care for your perspiration smells any better amid winters, however, summers … Not only do I kind of always stink, I also sweat a whole f*cking lot, so in high school, my "hyperhidrosis" was the bane of my existence. Is it normal for my nose to burn 6 days post op. Something strong, probably. There is no requirement that chemicals used in deodorant products have to be proven safe for humans, by the way. Basically, our skin is supposed to have a balanced … What are the top cloud emr software according to you? But then i put "armpit smells like … This has been verified by scientists. Brown rice protein, however, is clean. Studies have found that antiperspirants can actually make you smell worse by altering your armpit bacteria. I encourage you to take the 48-hour no-deodorant test, because it really will tell you something about your internal health. I had some celery with peanut butter earlier and my underarms smell like Dove deodorant, maybe the deodorant is overpowering the celery smell... or maybe you're alone on this one hon ;) ...of course I don't get the asparagus pee either- but I know allot of people do. Log In 2 years ago. Still have questions? So, you may feel sick. If you find that, during the 48 hours, you can't stand being around yourself because of your own body odor, then that's a strong indicator that it's time to start changing what you eat. Animal products are the most offensive dietary sources of internal stink by far, and milk products produce the greatest funk of all. However, when the odor is too strong it could be some hormonal imbalance, such as a thyroid problem. Just thinking about it now works me up. I may get a thumbs down on this but honestly sweating is one of the ways the body detoxes itself. Itchy pits might indicate that you have irritated the skin. It was a weird smell not like normal body odor. " 7 Answers. Yesterday I forgot deoderant and my body odor smelt like cellery. But remember: Unless you eat a healthy diet, you're only one shower away from being intolerable. Next time use your hands to eat, then they will smell and not your armpits. Did you know that dogs can smell cancer on your breath? You should check it out if you doubt me. And above all, if you want to eliminate body odor for life, avoid cheese, milk and dairy products. that afternoon it was good to go and pleasant smelling. Well, we enlisted gastroenterologist Dr. Roshini Raj to tell us what's going on! And prolific sweating. New arrivals were often put on new diets based on local cuisine simply to rid their bodies of the milk-and-butter smell, thereby reducing the risk of being literally sniffed out by the enemy. Answer Save. Q&A › Category: Questions › why do I smell like Celery and Cumin? kambuckta May 11, 2006, 10:20am #18. Consumer Electronics. 2 0. Charles. What are the people reviews about meditech? 3 Answers. That's because cancer emits a specific odor, and a lot of people who are using deodorant are simply trying to cover up odors that could actually serve as a health indicator. Answer Save. Must be interesing eating pizza or fish. Do you ever feel like your deodorant just isn't working? Consumer Electronics. What do you think of the answers? In any case, your goal with any cleanse or juice should be to improve the way you feel, not to … Your body is a metabolic engine, and the exhaust of the engine is determined by what you are feeding the engine. Get the Realities . Armpit smell is a noteworthy turn-off. I've actually never eaten it my entire life. In other words, if your body is emitting nontoxic waste products, it's just perspiring excess minerals and normal healthy metabolic byproducts. In today’s article, we’re going to discuss about Smelly Armpits and its Causes… the sharp scent floating from your armpits are prompt notices of the rising mercury levels. Hell to the NO, it isn’t that terrible! Anonymous asked 2 years ago. I tried tape on top of mask, washing my glasses, nothing works, any suggestions? You don't need thousands of dollars in laboratory tests to know that something is wrong (although lab tests can certainly be handy in confirming their presence). The smell of these products is so bad that when U.S. soldiers were shipped off to Vietnam in the 1960's, the Vietcong could actually smell them thanks to their American diets. If your body stinks, that's a sure sign that there is something rancid going on inside, and disease processes are inevitably underway. You realize that the B.O. Also, bacteria on the surface of the skin is always hard at work breaking down this thick, sticky sweat, which is the whole reason your armpits reek. With special training, these dogs can actually smell cancer. Curry raises your sweat levels and more sweat means more of an odor. These apocrine glands populate your armpits and, you guessed it, your groin. 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In terms of nutritional supplements, the best "cleaning" supplements that can reduce your body odor are chlorella and parsley. See more of Eco-Rico on Facebook. What would it take for you In particular, when the odor is similar to the enamel remover or rotten fruit, you should consult your doctor quickly because you may have ketoacidosis, a metabolic condition associated with an increase in the concentration … Be sure to use greens such as celery and cucumber, along with various fruits or superfood powders. 0 0. 2 days later I get the call, "it smells like urine, so we rush over. Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 12:21 am. That's because they stink so bad that they feel obligated to apply toxic deodorant products to their bodies every single day. Relevance. My armpits smell like celery. Get your answers by asking now. Taking strong medicines can affect the body smell at times. Anonymous . It can take longer if you are a … What you emit is a very good indicator of your overall level of health. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. What you exhale through your breath and your skin is a good indicator of what's going on inside your body. If you do change your foods and clean up your food fuels, you could potentially save yourself from many different degenerative diseases. Clifford. drarmpit answered 1 year ago. Are American and English culture different? You know who has the cleanest bodies of all? Curry scented deodorant? If you start to stink within hours of not using deodorant, rest assured there is putrefaction or fermentation going on inside your body, and that indicates a poor diet, usually. This acid id also what produces body odor which is likened to the strong varieties … What’s more attractive, nice gluteus Maximus or big fat perky pectorals . 1 month ago. For what reason Do My Armpits Smell Bad Even After A Shower ? Naturally the armpit sweats and its smell is characteristic. Someone from None posted a whisper, which reads "Why do my armpits smell like celery? Imp. 2 years ago. Answer Save. You can sign in to give your opinion on the answer. For starters, contrary to what we might think, sweat doesn’t smell, Dr. Raj says. 1 month ago. Just as importantly, you'll avoid using the toxic ingredients found in deodorant products, many of which contain cancer-causing and liver-damaging chemicals. I used to be one of those people, but I have since learned that the things that make you stink are the same things that make you unhealthy, namely, milk, cheese, meat, animal fats and refined carbohydrate products like white flour. And in all those years, I have read some really funny, sad, heartwarming, evil and downright boring threads. We like shortcuts, and it's a lot easier and quicker to apply a paste of aluminum salts to our armpits than actually clean up our metabolic processes. Computers & Internet32 4Cars & Transportation. After I ate a brothy soup and asparagus on Easter Friday ( a week ago) I have smelled a cumin like or celery like smell coming out of my armpits? Anonymous. Should I wait to get the Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine instead of getting Moderna/Pfizer which requires two shots? Still have questions? Be sure to use greens such as celery and cucumber, along with various fruits or superfood powders. Raw food vegans. I first noticed this a few years back when I bought Worms: Armageddon for the PC, the damn thing smelled distinctly like celery. They kept themselves covered and never wore sleeveless clothes. I think it also smells the way cilantro tastes, if that makes sense. Maybe since you've never eaten it the celery fairy got mad and bestowed a curse upon you. Cars & Transportation aaew. Some holistic health practitioners that I know tell me that they can smell cancer in patients. So then i put "armpit smells like new carpet" and i failed. Showing more skin turns on Indian guys. Clean bodies, clear heads, open channels. Americans are typically very hesitant to make lifestyle changes that require giving up their favorite foods, which might be chicken fried steak, a milkshake or a grilled cheese sandwich. The only thing I smell is a celery like smell, don't know, but there is a smell. Why does it feel like someone is stabbing me in the butthole? Lv 6. You know how it's difficult to breathe if you're driving behind a diesel truck? Dining Out23 32 324 eq. The diesel exhaust is the result of the dirty fuels. Hi, you are what you eat. Then i put "armpit smells like straw" and i failed again. Relevance. 1 month ago. Is this normal? Yes, there are bacteria in your armpits, but the kinds of bacteria that are living there depend on what you are "feeding" them. Chlorophyll works wonders for cleaning your blood of toxins. Think about it: If you small that bad on the outside, imagine what's going on inside! Dip the tip of your finger in ranch dressing and rub it in to make the smell go away. smell is coming from you more often than you'd like to admit?) Well, he does give his user name as Shagnasty after all. Other strategies for cleaning out your system including buying a Vitamix and blending up a fresh raw foods shake each morning. Why do I smell like curry? 5 Answers. Because you don't … (I recommend the Nutribiotic brand.) 9 years ago. In the body of a person who eats dirty food fuels (like animal products), there is similarly a horrible exhaust emitted from many different exhaust locations, including the tailpipe. That sounds awesome. Likely culprits include razor rash from a close shave, or allergic reaction to a new deodorant or shaving cream. It happens for a couple days and it annoys me so much because I shower and scrub my armpits hard with lots of bodywash yet the smell comes back … (A.K.A. I like to think of it as mother nature’s purifier. Detecting the presence of these diseases is easier than you might think. Computers & Internet32 4Cars & Transportation. In our case, the celery. But none of these can completely counteract the metabolic byproducts of consuming animal products. Dining Out sde 323. Does anyone know why it would smell like this? sweat smell like onion: ismailrafi: Healthy Lifestyle: 2: 12-19-2009 05:13 AM: why onion and body odor smell alike: patricianichole: Healthy Lifestyle: … Liver patients smell like ammonia in case of armpit odor while diabetics smell similar to a nail polish. They make you smell like "milk and butter." LOTS of people have armpits that smell of onions. Most people believe a lot of misinformation about body odor; they think the body just naturally stinks and that body odor is just a result of bacteria growth in your armpits. Armpit odor can be hereditary as family members are generally found to have related smells. And then we buy toxic chemicals to cover up the smell, then douse on more perfume or cologne to create the illusion that we're actually clean-smelling folks. 1 Answers. Apocrine glands work … My armpits were at the very center of my universe. I hate going out now beca use my mask fogs up my eyeglasses. According to Analysts carry-out of UC Berkeley in 2007 found that women have a passionate and physiological change when smelling a specific compound in male perspiration called androstadienone. Why do my armpits smell like celery? The culinary spice cilantro also does a great job.
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