Language: English Words: 39,113 Warnings - Malia, Cora, Kira doesn’t exist, Lydia is not a banshee and Isaac wants to be little. After everyone is gone, Scott rips open Stiles's locker and gets out some of his clothes. Summary: Despite being human, you were very much involved in the supernatural world. 1 Main characters 1.1 Scott McCall 1.2 Isaac Lahey 1.3 Stiles Stilinski 1.4 Danny Mahealani 2 Recurring characters 2.1 Aiden 2.2 Alan Deaton 2.3 Allison Argent 2.4 Christopher Argent 2.5 Conrad Fenris 2.6 Cora Hale 2.7 Derek Hale 2.8 Deucalion 2.9 Ethan 2.10 Liam 2.11 Jackson Whittemore 2.12 Kyle McCall 2.13 Lydia Martin 2.14 Marin Morrell 2.15 Melissa McCall 2.16 … ... Cameron has fell for the insecure werewolf, Isaac Lahey. Though Allison helped Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, and Derek Hale save Isaac from being killed by an Argent Hunter in Shape Shifted, the two eventually became enemies due to … Warnings: none. Allison answered, her voice a light whisper. In one instance, he flipped a table over, getting glass in Isaac’s face. The Pup Twins Isaac and Erica- Always together causing trouble, always getting fucked up by the Kanima. As Isaac’s backstory was fleshed out for the series, we saw his father fly off the handle at Isaac more than once. Also the pack calls Stiles Mama, there is smut, angst, fluff and murder :3 And some of the timelines are mixed or changed so read it as an AU. As Stiles’ twin sister, you were part of Scott’s pack. He gives Isaac a shoe, and Isaac asks why he gets a shoe with Scott gets a shirt. Isaac is a worry wart when he's with his dad, always tries to be badass around his mom. You jest, but I'm truly not." About being pack mom still?" Stiles murmured. "Pfft. Another prompt I received on Tumblr from an anon. ... 4 Stiles Calls Melissa Mom. Allison and Isaac's relationship had a great deal of development throughout their time on the series. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. Stiles asked, momentarily forgetting what his friends had been saying only minutes before. "Stiles Stilinski isn't thrilled by the soap opera that is now his life," Isaac jokes. Stiles asked, taking a step back so he could look the taller boy in the eye. But then again. Browse through and read stiles stilinski humor fanfiction stories and books. "Isaac?" Prompt: Scott/stiles as 'mom&dad' & isaac is their baby (not pregnant, like, a mix of au where stiles & isaac get along & au of stiles being motherly/parental with isaac & cuddles & calling isaac puppy). ... Three times different members of the Pack called Stiles mom and Stiles is more than happy to accept that title. I'm sure there's some small fraction of you that's a little excited by that," Isaac says, resting the food on … They might just see him as … Thanx :3. I was kinda worried that the pack started to call stiles mom. Usually when a pack does that it means that that person is the mate of the alpha. Isaac promises that they will. "What? Isaac stiffened in Stiles' arms. Pack mom Fanfiction "Isaac what did you just call me?" Before the truth of the nogitsune came to light, Stiles thought he was going crazy. When the Kanima threat looms over Beacon Hills, some surprises come along with it and a certain werewolf might be involved… pairings: Isaac Lahey x female reader. 4. The relationship between Human Huntress Allison Argent and Beta Werewolf Isaac Lahey. The Sheriff talks to Isaac and Scott in the locker room, asking them to call if they hear anything from Stiles. Erica has strange feelings of incest towards her parents, possibly Isaac too. "They were just teasing me, is all." "Two hot werewolves are fighting over you.
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