U better go to ayurveda gynecologist. I have back pain and low in energy. It attacks the abnormal growth of the cells and aids the immune system of the body. Please clarify me. The dentist may recommend certain fluoride treatments and de-sensitizing toothpastes to control the tooth sensitivity symptoms caused by teeth erosion. Other assumed causes included sexually transmitted infections (STI) such as herpes or early syphilis. These can be of help. Prevention Practice sexual abstinence or use condoms during sexual intercourse Gynaecologist examined me and diagnosed Cervical Erosion. A cervical ectropion a⦠The treatment may be no treatment, but this will be discussed with you and your healthcare practitioner. Clavicle fracture in a newborn during childbirth. Pap smer normal . I think in my first semester of pregnancy and began to bleed for 4 days now. I am having similar symptoms. If mild discharge it normal. Allopathic treatment will suppress it and you will suffer for life. I had ovarian cyst and it has been removed in 2015. I have spotting weak before period and I have bleeding during sex at that time. what i have to do? Alternative treatment of erosion of the cervix uteri - the appearance on its mucosa of hyperemia, which in modern gynecology is called the ectopic vaginal cervix - includes a fairly wide range of natural remedies, as well as some chemicals. HPV is very common and often very treatable with these natural remedies. Applies in the treatment of cervical erosion by alternative methods and mummy - a substance of natural origin, which has the qualities of a biostimulator, which increases the body's defenses and accelerates the restoration of any damaged tissue. We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable media sites, academic research institutions and, whenever possible, medically peer reviewed studies. I have PCOD and white discharge since long . I'm 32 was diagnosed with cervical erosion and endometriosis in the right ovary and fibroid in left. Ayurveda has good treatment for this.. My aunt has ulcers on her cervix. My Pap smear showed dense infection 6months back. Oregano. Cervical Erosion is a disease of the Cervix. Take Manjakani decoction. Hi , I have been told by my doctor today I have cervical ectropian . Similarly, the use of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory eucalyptus oil. A decoction of St. John's wort that helps to remove inflammation and heal the mucous membrane. Cervical ectropion signs and symptoms, reasons, and greater. Honey syringing of the vagina is recommended for at least two weeks - every morning and before going to bed. Consult a gynecologist n do pap smear. Treatment can be conducted in courses for two weeks with a weekly break. Turmeric with black pepper⦠I've heared by mouth that adding grape vinager into warm water and sitting will help me but iam not sure myself. Thank you, Hi I have cervical erosion I did pap test it was normal but I have yellow discharge daily and not comfortable in vagaina I visited 7_8 dr but no solution I have fear of cancer plzzzzz give me home remedies for cervic erosion, I forgot to say I already done one time cauterisation of cervix before two year now again erosion and yellow discharge and I do walking everyday 20 minit so which type of exercise u say me ,can u tell me and I will try this herb. Hi. If your symptoms are uncomfortable or severe, like outrageous amounts of discharge or a lot of bleeding after sex, treatment is likely to be advised. Such sources of trauma included sexual intercourse, the use of tampons, the insertion of a speculum, or the insertion of other objects into the vagina. I am 40 years old mom with cervical erosion. Because the diagnosis can be made only by a gynecologist. ]. I have cervical erosion my doctor says it can be rectified by some burning treatment how far will it work is there any home remedy, Hii my doc has told I have cervical erosion. I’m looking for possible remedies. I want to conceive please suggest me the cure for the disease, Why is nobody replying, its been over a month now. Can u suggest me which juice can I take ,as in qatar no homeopathic shop available. I am on the depo provera shot and I have had consistent white discharge for months. But no matter how you try to apply alternative cervical erosion treatment yourself, this is unlikely to work. Your Query - This is a community service. Please consult your doctor before taking any herb. My back is always sore but I also have two slipped disks due to sports so not sure if related. I often have yellow vaginal discharge and backache in lower abdominal area. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, more than 85% of people over the age of 60 are affected by cervical spondylosis. I had chlamydia for the first time of my life two years ago- no previous or other STIs since then. Hormonal therapy may be indicated for symptomatic erosion. Den take a suggestion with them. I’ve had a biopsy which is clear. It isn’t painful but it is inconvenient and makes me worried about future issues. What can I do to help it heal naturally? But still I am having white discharge and backpain. Hi , recently I had gone through the D &C procedure after that I experience little discharge and some time fresh blood spotting my doctor said that I am suffering with cervical erosion that bleeds on touch . and can I use boil Neem leaves water, to drink empty stomach and bakingsoda in bathing water. And i am using v wash everyday and now it is fine. The specialist has given me Ralovera 5mg to help stop the bleeding to be taken 3 times a day. She is constantly in terrible pain and has lost a lot of weight due to this. tell how to get relief from this. are clickable links to these studies. Those who have high blood pressure, this oil can not be used because of its vasoconstrictive effect. At the time of my illness i was diagnosed with cervical erosion as well. I have cervical polyps and those removed 3 times but still they ara growing. In December I was treated with freezing the area but the erosion began again and it is worse since I started to have sex again (since Jan) as well. Cervical ectropion occurs when there is eversion of the endocervix, exposing the columnar epithelium to the vaginal milieu. Hi, I have more white, yellow, brownish discharge and bleeding is happened 10 days from the period. It has anticancer properties that prevents the abnormal growth on cervix. She will answer your query in a day or two. These herbs are very good for a females reproductive ... 1. Cervical ectropion, or cervical ectopy, is a condition in which the soft or glandular cells that line the cheek of the cervical canal spread to the cervixâs outer surface. Bleed after smear tests which are clear. the treatment was working until I had sex but i did wait over 4 weeks for it to heal before I let anything go inside me. It was light blood/brown discharge lasting about 3/4 days in between my periods. [1] Contents Causes of Cervical SpondylosisRisk Factors Related to Cervical [â¦] However, because of the way it looks, some people might worry that it is an early stage of cervical ⦠Herbal Remedies - Goldenseal douches are recommended for cervicitis and cervical erosion. I just want the bleeding between my periods to stop. Erosion of the cervix can be treated with a tincture of a medicinal herb zymolyubka umbellate, which has antiseptic anti-inflammatory properties. Maintaining activity will help speed recovery, even if you have to temporarily modify some of your exercises because of neck pain. Heat or ice. Hello I have cervical erosion. Infusion is prepared by calculating a dessert spoon of herbs for 250 ml of boiling water (it is boiled and boiled for at least 2.5 hours under the lid). And I have hypermobile coccyx I have one child so again preganancy is safe for me? Please let me know. https://herbpathy.com/Herbal-Treatment-for-Cervical-Erosion-Cid3031, [Note: You are requested to write correct English only. This alternative means is contraindicated in chronic constipation and thrombophlebitis. I only have pains a week before my periods, thankfully i don't bleed after sex, feel itch time to time. Doctor diagnosed cervical polyps ,what can I use to remove them? To prepare a solution for impregnating a tampon, you simply dissolve 0.2 g (one tablet) of dry extract of mummy in 100 ml of warm water. Is there a herbal medicine that may help her? This article explores the symptoms, causes, and treatments, including natural remedies for this condition. Dong Quai, take 2 pills every day. Check your mobile for SMS (Didn't get the message, repeat Step 1). Oregano. The cervixâs outer surface is filled with hard epithelial cells. As soon as it is out near the mouth of Vagina it itches a lot and I can feel the white discharge is out. Pls suggest some thing better. This tincture is recommended to take 30-35 drops (dissolved in 90-100 ml of water) - three times a day before meals. Past one year there is spotting 7-8 days prior to my periods. Hello few days back I had urge to urinate a lot along with itching and burning in vaginal area. What can I take to help heal? Please tell me what to do or take.. Hi, my doctor told me I have circum cervix erosion , and the treatment will be for a year in order for it to go away. Plzz help me, Doctor said I have cervical eroption. In the past, it was thought that various types of physical trauma that caused infection might eventually lead to cervical ectropion. hello i am 36 and have 2 children both with a natural birth. Buy oak galls and make a decoction and take every day for one month. Have had no symptoms for the last few months but I have started to bleed after sex again (the only symptom I ever had). It gives relief from inflammation associated with Cervical Erosion. Cervical ectropion is common and harmless. Cervical ectropion (also known as cervical erosion) is the presence of columnar cells on the ectocervix, which is normally composed of a squamous epithelium 1). Cervical Erosion: What It Is, Causes And Consequences, Treatment The leading position among gynecological problems in women of reproductive age is occupied by cervical erosion. People who walk daily are less likely to experience neck and low back pain. Hello, last year in June i started to get the erosion. I went to a specialist and have had pap smears and everything comes back clear and no abnormalities. I had my cervix cauterized 4 weeks ago, I don’t have any STD and I’m still experiencing bleeding during sex. Poisoning with canned fish, meat and vegetables. I have cervical erosion. All carefully move and form candles 3,5 cm long and about a finger thick, pack in PVC film and put in the refrigerator (in the refrigerator, they should be stored). 2. Friable cervix refers to cervix tissues that are overly sensitive and easily irritated. Over-the-counter pain relievers. I don't have any pain or discharge I only bleed during sex. This can be accomplished using heat (diathermy), cold (cryosurgery), or silver nitrate. Can I have sexual activities ? The technology of making such candles: in a water bath, melt two tablespoons of smaltz, when it cools into it two tablespoons of honey and aloe juice. If you have symptoms that started during pregnancy, they should go away 3 to 6 months after you have your baby . Dear Ma'am We suggest you to buy just one dose of Calcarea Carb 10 M. It is a Homeopathy medicine and you need to take only 3 to 4 granules once. 3. All iLive content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. I have suffer for cervical erosion with lower back pain with white discharge. Hi Sam. Actually we don't know whats going on in whole utrus. Colposcopy of vulva and vagina springerlink. This is why itâs advisable to know the treatments in order to avoid issues. These are bee products, natural compounds with regenerating properties and, of course, medicinal plants. There are no contraindications to the use of the drug except for the individual intolerance of the components. I hope this has provided more information. Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others), naproxen sodium (Aleve) or acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) is often enough to control the pain associated with cervical spondylosis. Treatment of dental erosion depends on the severity of the damage. Turmeric is rich in Curcumin. Cervical erosion is not a form of cervical cancer, but the symptoms are similar to early stage of cervical malignancy. The most commonly used drugs are Sepia (sepia, cuttlefish ink), Thuja, China, Arnica montana (Arnica), Ignatia amara (Ignacy), Glonoinum (Glonoin), Aurum iodatum (iodine gold) , Lycopodium clavatum (Lycopodium or plawn), Conium maculatum (hemlock); Apis mellifica (Apis or honey bee), Lachesis mutus (snake venom), etc. Hi! I have done with cauterization one year ago. Cervical ectropion is also sometimes referred to as the transformation zone of the cervix. Cervical Erosion Herbal Treatment, Prevention, Symptoms, Causes, Cured By. I’m trying to conceive second child.. and still breastfeed once a day my toddler. decoction of marigold medicinal: two tablespoons of dried flowers for 700-800 ml of water, boil 15 minutes, infuse 1.5-2 hours; a decoction of St. John's wort perfumed: one tablespoon of dry herb per half-liter of water, boil 20 minutes, infuse 2 hours; infusion celandine ordinary: three tablespoons dry collection for 1.5 liters of boiling water, insist under the lid for 45 minutes; infusion hemlock spotted: one tablespoon per 700 ml of water; infusion ortilia lopsided (borovoy uterus): tablespoon on a glass of boiling water, leave for 60 minutes. Homeopathy with erosion of the cervix can be carried out exclusively by homeopathic physicians, and these medications are administered only individually. I have a cervical erosion. I wasn't ready to have a baby yet so I took an abortion pill called cytotec misoprostole. Doctor says its cervical erosion .help me. It has anticancer properties. It helps in controlling the abnormal growth of cells. Had biopsy which is clear. I also get mild cramping and sometimes a burning sensation the day before discharge turns into blood. I’m trying to conceive second child and still breastfeed once a day our toddler. The iLive portal does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Regular exercise. Carefully read the rules and policies of the site. Thanks for responding. then it will stop and my period will come and once my period is finished a week or so after it will happen again. In the past, you might have heard it called cervical erosion, but it is now called cervical ectropion or cervical eversion. This is a freezing option that uses a cold treatment instead of electric current. Then turned into sepsis, which i was very ill for 3-4 months. Everything else - as in the first recipe, only these suppositories are administered once a day (in the evening). Research more about why this happens and what comes next. I have consulted many doctors but it didn't work. The versatile therapeutic effect of natural honey is not needed in the additional description. My periods are very heavy and painful. I have an erosion for many years, heavier discharge and occasionally light bleeding day 8-12 of menstral cycle, that is regular. This procedure with sea buckthorn oil is done daily, or rather, every evening, and the average duration of treatment is 12-14 days, if necessary, the course of treatment after 10 days is repeated. Any help or advice. Did u figure out how to fix it? The specimen taken for biopsy also. Leep knife is a good treatment essential, but after treatment we still have to seriously the following: Clean the cervix after the first menstrual and review it. And with him, you must also discuss the general tactics of treatment, and what treatment for erosion of the cervix with herbs can be most effective in a particular case. I bleed everytime I have sex and always have discharge coming out . I discovered that after orgasm I bleed for a couple days and after doing some research I believe I have cervical erosion. My periods are regular but painful and I get spotting a few days before I start my period . I was tested for std's/ sti's /iron/thyroid, had my ovaries checked with a camera- all clear. In addition, it is sometimes very similar to temporary cervical cancer. Hi i had bleeding after sex i suffered with std as per doctor i m now suffering from cervical erosion medium size . Hi, I am 35yrs old, have cervix erosion and hormones imbalance. In addition, before the procedure, broths should be diluted with warm water, so that the temperature of the finished solution is at + 35-36 ° C. Alternative treatment of cervical erosion uses the aqueous infusion of a perennial plant, the present lady (a yellow lady), which is an anti-inflammatory antiseptic due to the presence of bactericidal mono-therapies in iridoids. My wife have servical erosion with full backpain and white discharge. It also helps in destroying ⦠All rights reserved. It is also known as a cervical erosion, although no âerosionâ of cells actually occurs. To cook this tool, it is enough to weld the shell until the water turns brown, and then this broth is added to water - 50 ml per 500 ml of water. 3 months after treatment in accordance with the pathological effects of whether to choose TCT or colposcopy and so on. Wait for 1 week and also study your symptoms. I have spotting problem spotting before and after periods and increase in vaginal discharge this started when i use to use hand shower water for pleasure and then all this problem started and have pain in opening of vagina pain is there for like 6 months and now when i did the pelvic test the doctor said cervical erosion antwall i just wanted to ask that because the hand shower thing i got cervical erosion and it’s nothing else. I think I have cervical extropion, I do not feel any pains actually but I am worried and troubled.. Another recipe is taken: butter (150 g), honey (5 tablespoons), and instead of aloe juice - 5 ml of alcohol tincture of propolis (bee glue). You can also contact us! First of all, these are broths for vaginal douching: Phytotherapists note that the treatment of erosion of the cervix with herbs douches with decoctions and infusions lasts a long time, but more than once a day douche vagina is harmful. for the treatment of acute or chronic forms of vaginitis and cervicitis; as part of complex therapy during treatment of cervical erosion; as an auxiliary regenerating agent after childbirth, surgery or destructive treatment methods. Overall, cervical erosion produces irritation, redness, and inflammation. Vitamin B-2 is an essential vitamin that prevents the development of cancerous cells on the cervix, decreases cervical inflammation, prevents the damage of cervical tissues, lowers the risk of cervical dysplasia, according to the WHOâs (World Health Organisation) book, âComprehensive Cervical Cancer -Controlâ, eating foods that contain Vitamin B-2 can help to treat cervical inflammation (see reference ⦠Hi. Do not repeat the dose. The invention relates to a gynecological traditional Chinese herbal medicine composition, and particularly relates to a traditional Chinese herbal medicine composition for preventing and treating cervical erosion. I have a cervical erosion which has been treated but refusing to go away. You need expert homeopathic advice. Cervical erosion is a benign condition where the cells lining the cervical canal appear red, may bleed, causing spotting, or impact CM production. The information published on the portal is for reference only and should not be used without consulting a specialist. Doctor advise me for cotroisation pls suggest me some herble now std is under control. I am on the pill and said that causes it but prefer not to come off as was put on due to irregular periods and really painful cramps. I took doxycycline mono and didn’t help. To prepare it, you need to pour 0.5 g of vodka into 50 grams of dry powdered plant and insist for two weeks. My vagina keeps itching and panty becomes dirty .Kindly suggest. Treatment of cervical erosion: honey, oil and aloe. Reply me. An, Take a cup of Green Tea daily, a decoction of Astragalus root every day, Basil tea daily. Also in the vagina you need to enter candles, which, in addition to honey, should contain aloe juice and pork smalets. Green Tea contains Polyphenols ingredient. Hi please can someone help me , my situation is getting worse as I’m not having sex because I bleed and it hurts . If you have any more specific questions I will be happy to answer them. Alternative treatment of cervical erosion has long and successfully used honey. Get bleeding/spotting between periods and cramps. For syringing, a walnut shell is also used, which contains antiseptic phenolic carboxylic acids. It didnt use to happen after sex but now it has started to aswell. I have continous lower back pain, bilateral pelvic pain and bilateral lower abdominal pain, excessive vaginal discharge and blood or brown discharge after 1 week of periods and vaginal burning sensation..cervical erosion is there.pap test done for before 2 years.it is normal. It keeps coming back again and again. Cervical ectropion, or cervical erosion, is reasonably common among ladies of childbearing age. I have started taking flax seeds in the morning and I take ginger, lemon tea at night as natural treatment. This herb contains potent anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties. But antibacterial fir oil can not be used in its pure form: it takes no more than 6-8 drops per tablespoon of olive or linseed oil, and tampons with it should be kept no longer than 20 minutes. & discharge. If the loss of tooth enamel is moderate without affecting the patientâs appearance, there is no need of restorative treatment. Mild cervical spondylosis might respond to: 1. If you feel that any of our content is inaccurate, out-of-date, or otherwise questionable, please select it and press Ctrl + Enter. Such candles will need 30 pieces - based on two suppositories (morning and evening) per day for a 15-day course of treatment. Treatment of erosion of the cervix with herbs - phytotherapy - is recommended by many gynecologists. Cervical erosion treatment Cauterization. Hai am Anitha am having cervical erosion...how to cure? Hi.i have PID for past 7 years..I took many medicines like antibiotics and siddha. Most women donât need any treatment for cervical ectropion. Or should I refrain myself from it? To prepare the broth you need to take 15 g of dry grass and 200 ml of water, all boil for 10 minutes on a small fire, then strain. I got it checked and my gynaecologist told me little erosion or zakham on mouth of uterus but not to worry. I am married but no children.So please suggest me. She has tried everything but nothing seems to work. Herbalists recommend drinking this warm herbal infusion with erosion - a glass a day, in several receptions. But no results. The erosion is back and doc suggested to burn it. U no need to worry abt that. Hydrastis â For Thick Yellow Vaginal Discharge. Copyright © 2011 - 2021 iLive. Hi, i went holiday 2016 summer came back to london and week later felt very ill went hospital and found out i had been food poisoning. Treatment of cervical erosion with herbs Treatment with herbs is possible as an additional means to basic therapy. Cervical ectropion (also known as cervical erosion and ectopy) is a common condition caused when cells from inside the cervical canal, known as glandular cells (soft cells), are present on the outside surface of the cervix (neck of the womb). Here are symptoms to watch for, why this happens, and more. I was raped and I got pregnant. i have severe lower abdominal pain (pelvic pain),vaginal spotting/mucoid discharge ,severe burning sensation inside genital area cervical cytology reveals moderate inflammation and cervical erosion . And also seen in my ultrasound an ovarian cyst with size of 41x22mm rt mild complicated ovarian cyst. Also forgot to mention that I have HPV (not the types 16 or 18) but allo pap tests are normal! In between my periods i start to get excess discharge (which i dont mind) but then it starts to get streaks of blood and then becomes a brown discharge/ light blood. The versatile therapeutic effect of natural honey is not needed in the additional description. I'm at stage 2 of cervical erosion and doctor has recommended me leep knife. Hi, I have a thick whiteish yellowish discharge & pain during intercourse and sometimes a little odor and never really in the sexual mood. Lasting up to 4 days. If it becomes troublesome to the patient, it can be treated by discontinuing oral contraceptives, cryotherapy treatment, or by using ablation treatment ⦠Vaginal suppositories consisting of green tea and/or curcumin, which draw infection out of the ⦠Cauterization is used where there is much need to stop bleeding and spotting. The point where these two kinds of cells intersect is known as the transformation zone. But i am afraid is there any possibility of developing this to cancer. .. but no any other symptoms. I had an abortion in jan this year. Lots of tests, Doctors say I am normal, it just can happen. But again all above problems occured with pain also. I was on the pill on and off for 16 years and now off them completely. I have white greenish discharge , pain during sex , have constant lower abdominal pain and back pain. It is a benign condition, which is commonly seen on examination of the cervix in adolescents, in pregnancy, and in women taking oestrogen containing contraceptives. We suggest you to go to a homeopathic doctor in your town and do as per his suggestions. Hi I have spotting before and after period Sometimes for almost 14 days the doc recommended burning procedure what should I do? It is not linked to cervical cancer or any other condition that causes cancer. 1. The glandular cells are... Cryotherapy. Hi I have cervical ulcer, please i need your advise on how to treat this naturally. I have cervial erosion and I have brown spotting after sex and random itchiness. It is not intended to replace a doctor. Alternative treatment of cervical erosion has long and successfully used honey. Everytime i have sex.can I have a natural way off getting rid of it..can green tea use. Please do not use SMS English, Short Text and Words like hi, hello. You are reporting a typo in the following text: Diseases of the mammary glands (mammology), Diseases of the joints, muscles and connective tissue (rheumatology), Diseases of the immune system (immunology), Diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiology), Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (dermatology), Diseases of the lungs, bronchi and pleura (pulmonology), Diseases of the ear, throat and nose (otolaryngology), Diseases of the endocrine system and metabolic disorders (endocrinology), Sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted diseases), Diseases of the nervous system (neurology), Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology), PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction, PCR Diagnostics).
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