sarcococca humilis nz

Sarcococca humilis is a lower growing variety (less than 2 ft. tall). The foliage is lime green with red colouring. Sweet box or sarcococca (from the Greek sarx which means flesh and cocca meaning berry) is also known as Christmas box in the Northern Hemisphere because of its scented flowering season. Estimated price $21.99 each. Call our friendly team on … It grows as a bushy and rounded shrub with small, bright green leaves... “Cyril Watson” is a variety of Pseudopanax grown for its vibrant and fresh foliage. Our Top recommendations for Shrubs, Shrubs, Shrubs Rare and Unusual, Evergreen, Groundcover. Phone: +64 6326 8011 Freephone/Fax: 0508 222 555 Email: Payment when stock arrives. Why? Store AdminOur Site by: WebTrendz. I found this example of a Sweet Box on our visit to Dunedin Botanic Garden on 27 Aug… According To NZFLORA (2012-) New Zealand Plant Names - Name based concepts Subordinate Taxon Concept Full Name Sarcococca humilis Stapf According To NZFLORA (2012-) New Zealand Plant Names - Name based concepts Find a Plant. 'Humilis' 20-30cm: 10L: Sarcococca hook. I read about these a few years ago and became interested because they flower in winter and have a lovely vanilla scent but I've never had any in a garden of my own. Highly scented flowers during winter and glossy black fruits appear the following autumn. Coastal Plants. Climbers, Deciduous, Evergreen, Groundcover, Native Trees and Shrubs, Our Top recommendations for Climbers, Our Top recommendations for Native Trees and Shrubs, Our Top recommendations for Shrubs, Shrubs, Shrubs, Shrubs Rare and Unusual, Our Top recommendations for Shrubs, Shrubs, Deciduous, Native Trees and Shrubs, Our Top recommendations for Shrubs, Shrubs, Shrubs, Evergreen, Evergreen, Hedging, native, Native Trees and Shrubs, Our Top recommendations for Hedging, Our Top recommendations for Native Trees and Shrubs, Our Top recommendations for Shrubs, Shrubs, Shrubs. Our plants are subject to seasonality and high-demand. This NZ native features broad and leathery leaves which are lush... “Lime Light” is a bright and vibrant, NZ native shrub. Evergreen. Botanical Name: Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis. Address: 145A Winchester Street, Ashhurst 4810, New Zealand. NZFLORA (2012-) New Zealand Plant Names - Name based concepts Subordinate Taxon Concept Full Name Sarcococca hookeriana Baill. A suckering shrub that is easily confined. Sarcococca rusifolia which is a taller variety with red fruit, growing to 4-5 ft. Sarcococca confusa has black fruit and similar to rusifolia in habit. Summary. The plant’s botanical name is sarcococca and you will find Sarcococca humilis, S. confusa and S. hookeriana ‘Digyna’ for sale in nurseries and garden centres. It is tolerant of moderate frost and short periods of dry. Hot Dry Gardens. Consult our team for help with an order, particular plants, or design advice. Dense shrub to 50cm tall. A low growing,dense,bushy shrub that form’s sucker’s and is ideal for growing as groundcover in shady situation’s.In winter it produces creamy white,fragrant flower’s followed by black berries.A hardy evergreen that thrives in well-drained soil and tolerates dry condition’s.Grow’s to a height of between 30 and 40 cm,spreading up to 100cm. Description. Or maybe this far north it stays smaller. It too suckers to form dense patches. It prefers full sun in well-drained soils. Commonly known as Dwarf Sweet Box, this is an evergreen shrub grown for its foliage and fragrant flowers. Genus Sarcococca are compact, sometimes suckering evergreen shrubs with simple, leathery leaves and tiny, fragrant creamy-white flowers in winter or spring, followed by red, purple or black berries which may persist into the following winter Plant Type: Shrubs. We are devoted to enriching gardeners’ experience with a wide variety of plants suitable for outdoor culture in coastal and near-coastal California. Sarcococca humilis is a forest species (1000–3500 m). Get all the latest information on Events, Sales and Offers. Common Name: Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis. A new release, Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Fragrant Valley’ , is an improved form of the lower type, with a shorter and more consistent habit (18 inches tall by 3 feet wide), a faster growth rate, and slightly smaller and denser leaves … Wonderful fragrance in Jan.-Feb. Slow-growing to 18" H x 2-3’ W. humilis, Evergreen shrub, Fragrant flowers Sarcococca hookeriana var. It differs in its elliptic leaves, pink anthers and dwarfer stature. © Copyright 2010new Date().getFullYear()>2003&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear()); Greenleaf Nurseries | All Rights Reserved. Sarcococca hookeriana ‘Purple Stem” – Narrow foliage compared to the species, petioles flushed with purple. Leaves are dark green and glossy. Sarcococca hookeriana humilis – Smaller growing again and disease resistant. Sign up for newsletter today. Makes a fantastic low hedge. Has a very fragrant, tiny white flowers that bloom in late winter / early spring. Try to find a spot close to the house for Christmas box, or sweet box. GST Add to cart. QTY: CLICK TO ENLARGE. Suncrest is a wholesale nursery situated near Watsonville, on California's Central Coast. humilis, reaches 1 to 3 ft. tall and slowly spreads to 3 ft. wide or more, with berries of black. Thuja oc. It makes plump bushes because it suckers freely. Hebe 'New Zealand Gold' 15-20cm: 2L: Hebe 'New Zealand Gold' 30-40cm: 2L: Hebe 'New Zealand Gold' 30-40cm: 5L: Hebe pinguefolia 'Pagei' 10-15cm: 2L: Hebe pinguifolia 'Sutherlandii' ... Sarcococca hook. Family Buxaceae . Sarcococca hookeriana var. Information. and R. umbellata Makino. Pre-order now. The last two grow to shrubs about 3-5 feet high, but are only hardy to zone 7. We make ordering your plants simple and hassle free for you. Sarcococca Ruscifolia. humilis, which grows as a groundcover 12-18 inches. I'm fairly certain hookeriana also grows to be a shrub, except for hookeriana var. The leaf colouring is truly impressive and is... © Copyright 2019 The Plant Company Ltd - All rights reservedBuild by Yield, You won’t be bombarded with emails, just titbits of quality information from time to time, Borders, Living areas, Paths & Steps, Ponds, Pool areas, Alpine, Backyard, City & Courtyard, Frontyard, Japanese, Modern, White, Sarcococca hookeriana “Humilis” (Dwarf Sweet Box). This New Zealand native is sometimes tricky to grow. Get Directions. Add to Wishlist. Its berries are small and shiny black. A low growing,dense,bushy shrub that form’s sucker’s and is ideal for growing as groundcover in shady situation’s.In winter it produces creamy white,fragrant flower’s followed by black berries.A hardy evergreen that thrives in well-drained soil and tolerates dry condition’s.Grow’s to a height of between 30 and 40 cm,spreading up to 100cm. Suits dry shady sites although will grow in the sun if given enough moisture. Nov 10, 2014 - Himalayan Sweet Box (Sarcococca humilis) is a shade-loving groundcover that thrives with little care. “Humilis” is commonly included in a mixed planting, planted around the base of larger trees, grown around outdoor living areas, planted in shady areas, used in borders, mass planted as a groundcover, or included anywhere the beauty of this plant can be enjoyed. My hookeriana var. ADDRESS: 34 Kohupatiki Road,RD 2,Hastings 4172,New Zealand. Sarcococca hookeriana “Humilis” (Dwarf Sweet Box) is currently unavailable. Please contact us if you would like to know when it becomes available again. Small cream flowers in winter are fragrant, followed by black ornamental berries. Listing all plants starting with S . The interesting flowers are followed by red berries that may persist into the following winter. New Zealand Natives. Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis. It features lush, purple leaves which are held densely off upright stems.... Hebe diosmifolia is a NZ native shrub grown for both its foliage and flowers. As these clients are not into garden maintenance of any serious sort, … (mixed colours) – pb5 (30/100). Smaragd, White Cedar - Pb6.5 (30/80), Our Top recommendations for Native Trees and Shrubs, Fuchsia procumbens, Creeping Fuchsia – 1L/1.5L, Hibiscus syriacus sp. Other common names fragrant sweet box . New stock arriving middle of February, 2021. New Zealand Flax ... "Plants of the genus Sarcococca have been extensively used in the indigenous system of medicine since ancient time for the treatment of various ailments especially malaria, ... stoloniferous form of variety humilis makes it ideally suited for use as a groundcover or an informal hedge in the shade garden. Shrubs are woody plants which produce multiple stems, shoots or branches from their base, but do not generally have a single trunk. Sarcococca or Sweet Box. Rhaphiolepis × delacourii is a hybrid of R. indica (L.) Lindl. Bes... READ MORE. Sarcococca Humilis. Apr 22, 2020 - Hakonechloa macra 'Aureola' plants from Thompson & Morgan - experts in the garden since 1855 Best grown in a shaded site. Sarcococca humilis, Dwarf Sweetbox – Pb5 ... Sarcococca orientalis, Chinese Box – Pb5 $ 19.95 incl. Facebook. Densely bushy shrub, with deep green glossy leaves. Sarcococca ruscifolia ... It is tolerant of moderate frost and short periods of dry. Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis (sometimes given specific status) is a native of west China and was first found by Augustine Henry but introduced by Ernest Wilson in 1907. Like us on Facebook to see our latest updates, deals, and great plant ideas. digyna is a good 5' across - this is a heavily suckering form of Sarcococca, much like the smaller growing humilis but perhaps even more aggressive in this regard. Under a window which you might open on a sunny day. There are three species of Sarcococca: Hookeriana, confusa, and ruscifolia. It carries glossy and leathery, dark green leaves which become adorned with tiny and fragrant, white-cream flowers through winter and spring. Dark green leaves and fragrant white flowers are followed by blue-black fruit. One such valuable winter performer is Sarcococca. Christmas box is a smallish evergreen shrub native to Asia. humilis also called sweetbox is a low-growing, broadleaf evergreen shrub that grows to 1-2 foot tall and spreads by stolons. $24.99 Greenleaf Nurseries ships plants nationwide for your convenience and ease. Evergreen; 1.5 -2m; Grows well in dry shade; Has fragrant flowers in winter; Frost tolerant Commonly known as the Purple Akeake, this is a popular NZ native shrub. Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis Dense shrub to 50cm tall. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - All Or close to a path to the greenhouse or shed, or near a seating area. “Humilis” is commonly included in a mixed planting, planted around the base of larger trees, grown around outdoor living areas, planted in shady areas, used in borders, mass planted as a groundcover, or included anywhere the beauty of this plant can be enjoyed. Search . Very desirable garden form. Shrubs Dwarf, height 0.3 and 1 metre. The groundcover form, Sarcococca hookeriana var. It typically grows to 70 cm tall and the same wide, performing best when planted on a well-drained, sheltered site, in full sun or partial shade. This could be a nuisance in a very formal layout, but it is easily controlled. Sarcococca hookeriana var humilis. Sarcococca humilis could be the answer.
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