shiranui vendread deck duel links

Assault Blackwing - Raikiri the Rain Shower, Early game, this effect allows one to synchro immediately with, This effect is by far the best option for getting, Mid-to-late game, this effect can tutor out a tuner to synchro with e.g. Furthermore, this effect of Revendread Slayer is a quick effect that can trigger at any stage of battle. The Invoked engine aside, the other cards to worry about in this matchup are the powerful “discard traps”: Karma Cut, Raigeki Break, and Ultimate Providence. Shiranui should not have much trouble with any of these decks, but there are still some caveats to keep in mind: This is actually a hard matchup for Shiranui due to Medusa, Watcher of the Evil Eye being able to banish one’s resources from grave. Doing so would give one the opportunity next turn to banish both Shiranui Spectralsword and Shiranui Samuraisaga from grave for Shiranui Shogunsaga. 7. The play starter for the Neos - Invoked deck, Keeper of Dragon Magic, is an easy target for lethal with a big Shiranui Shogunsaga. Needle Ceiling can accomplish a lot of what Ballista Squad does and more, but has a much more restrictive activation condition. However, the biggest advantage Evolution has over Origin is its ability to mill your deck. Otherwise, the Ishizu player is more likely playing Sealed Tombs. Unfortunately, the meek girl mistook him for a ghost and ran off in terror. Ballista Squad can be seen as the replacement for Enemy Controller and Treacherous Trap Hole, now that Shiranui can no longer use those cards as of the Feb 2020 banlist and July 2020 banlist. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Note that this initial game state actually comes up quite often. Note that the Blue-Eyes player has no more cards in hand after this, and so there is no threat of a second counter trap. In this scenario, they are likely relying on Raiden, Hand of the Lightsworn to mill a Darklord monster to then revive with Darklord Contact. However, if the second monster is indeed Spiritual Beast Tamer Winda, then destroy Ritual Beast Tamer Elder instead. This play sets up Shiranui Spectralsword to be used next turn from the grave, which can actually pressure the opponent into NOT destroying one’s Shiranui Samuraisaga on their next turn. One can chain Forbidden Lance to Invocation and target the Aleister the Invoker on the field – this prevents that specific Aleister the Invoker from being used for the fusion summon, potentially making Invocation fizzle if the Elementsaber player does not have another Aleister the Invoker in hand or grave. Note that the opponent needs at least 1000 less LP to activate Sealed Tombs, so another way of playing around this skill is to keep the LP difference small or be the one at lower LP. This play puts Shiranui Squiresaga on board to pressure backrow while still setting up Shiranui Spectralsword in grave for next turn. Flooding a Shiranui Spectralsword in particular is great for limiting the opponent’s followups. Who ever uses this deck, go screw yourself. After two Volcanic Shell LP payments or a single Cosmic Cyclone payment, Elemental HERO Brave Neos himself also becomes a target for lethal with the usual Shiranui Solitaire plus Shiranui Spectralsword combo. This can be particularly deadly vs. Witchcrafters if it is used to let Shiranui Sunsaga’s effect go through and wipe the board. This is important since it stops Invocation’s grave effect, which can otherwise recycle both itself and Aleister the Invoker. Even though it was mentioned above that Floodgate Trap Hole and Fiendish Chain are not too effective against Ritual Beasts overall, they do actually have a use in the beginning of the game in flipping down or negating Spiritual Beast Cannahawk and Spiritual Beast Rampengu BEFORE the Ritual Beast player has an established banish pile. A "Vendread" monster Ritual Summoned using this card on the field gains this effect. selling stage 21-40 top tier shiranui deck + aromage + vendread + ur/sr dream tickets Discussion in ' Yu-Gi-Oh! vs. a defensive Gouki Twistcobra play: Gouki Twistcobra‘s effect can be used defensively in two ways. As a foreword, this guide assumes that the reader has an intermediate level of knowledge of the game mechanics in Duel Links and Yu-Gi-Oh! 7. The advantages of going this route instead of the bullets above is that it can get rid of a disruptive backrow earlier, but the disadvantage is that Shiranui Shogunsaga ends up being only 3500 ATK. With Spectralsword now in the graveyard, you'll later get access to a ton more Synchro plays. Duel Links Vendread Shiranui Deck, How to Use, Vendread Shiranui Skill. All three of these monsters get Shiranui Spectralsword out of the deck to then put into the grave to initiate the synchro climb next turn. Vendread shira deck. Then, the opponent can just banish Shiranui Spectralsword and Shiranui Shogunsaga from grave next turn for Shiranui Sunsaga. For Yu-Gi-Oh! It is just less versatile than Fiendish Chain and also requires a discard cost, which can be awkward sometimes. The trick is to use Artifact Lancea on the opponent’s draw or standby phase so that they cannot use Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Wind‘s effect during the main phase. If one does not open with an Artifact Lancea or Forbidden Lance, then another way to play around Invocation and prevent the opponent from using it to banish one’s Shiranui Spectralsword from grave is to actually not synchro summon on the first turn. Doing so risks the Shiranui Spectralsword getting wiped by No Mortal Can Resist. Contrary to what one might think, the Elementsaber matchup can often go either way. Assuming one has their grave set up with Shiranui monsters, Revendread Origin can be used to trigger their on-banish effects while also ritual summoning e.g. Thus, whoever gets out Shiranui Sunsaga first usually wins the duel. It is important to recognize when the Crystron player can make this play, so be on the look out for the following board states: Crystron Citree on the field with a level 3 non-tuner in grave, Crystron Impact searched on the Crystron player’s turn via Crystron Smiger’s effect and most likely set face down, Crystron Prasiortle either in grave or on the field. One can even stop a potential Herald of the Abyss by reducing the Cyber Dragon player’s LP to 1500 or below so that they cannot pay the cost. The monster banished to trigger Shiranui Squiresaga here CANNOT be Shiranui Solitaire though. Check that you now have the "DLM Pro" role in the Discord server. Number 44: Sky Pegasus | Decks and Ruling. It is up to the reader to decide which of the above techs best fit their deck while also taking into account their card inventory and budget. This is of course assuming that Shiranui Spectralsword’s effect has not already been used yet that turn. Worth it? If one banishes Shiranui Squire as one of the two targets of Burgeoning Whirlflame, then one can trigger Shiranui Squire’s Dark World Dealings effect to discard Burgeoning Whirlflame back into the grave. Avoid trying to run over monsters against Neos if Masked HERO Koga is on board, since he can use his quick effect to lower one’s ATK during the damage step. You must also Tribute monsters from your hand or field, and/or banish Zombie monsters from your GY, whose total Levels equal or exceed the Level of the Ritual Monster you Ritual Summon. Bad Aim and Floodgate Trap Hole are also good choices, with Bad Aim in particular being great vs. Witchcrafters. Going second however is usually an auto-loss unless one draws tech cards that counter Dark Magical Circle, such as Cosmic Cyclone, Forbidden Lance, Twister, Typhoon, Night Beam, and Chaos Hunter. One of these plays forms the basis of the synchro climb by bringing back Shiranui Spectralsword from the banished pile (via Shiranui Solitaire’s effect) to allow for another synchro summon. Furthermore, when destroyed, Crystron Quariongandrax can steal one’s own banished Shiranui monsters and summon it to the Crystron player’s field. Thus, one can often followup a Black Rose Dragon with a lethal push for game. This is thanks to the large amount of tech space in Shiranui, allowing the deck to run hard counters to Elementsabers in Artifact Lancea and Forbidden Lance, both of which also double up as good generic staples. Even just milling Burgeoning Whirlflame and Shiranui Solitaire (but no Shiranui Spiritmaster) can be fine, since that combination can be used to block a direct attack. Supports archetypes Vendread. This subsection is here to just give some brief tips against some of the more common, though non-meta decks on the ladder. Works great against most decks due to the popularity of Extra Deck toolboxes. Just be wary of any Aleister the Invokers in the opponent’s hand, since those can be used to boost Elemental HERO Brave Neos as well. From there, a card like Ballista Squad can be used during the opponent’s battle or end phase to set up Shiranui Spectralsword in grave for one’s next turn. But if Fortune Lady Every does hit the board, then try to lock her down with a Fiendish Chain instead of destroying her. Elementsabers are a control deck and thus run a lot of backrow. Shiranui+vendread. an already on-board, Keep the special summoning restriction to Zombie monsters in mind when using cards like, Early game, this effect can be used to dig through the deck for backrow or set up the grave for plays, e.g. Fiendish Chain is the BEST card against Crystrons. Bad Aim can be used similarly to Ballista Squad in this matchup by chaining to Black Whirlwind and destroying the normal summoned monster to stop the search effect. Samuraisaga is mostly used to be a decent stat body on-board until you can make something better. Vendread Shiranui: deck recipe [Dec 2020] | YuGiOh! If the Blackwing player did not open Blackwing - Simoon the Poison Mist, then their turn will basically come to an end if one destroys their one normal summon for the turn. Ballista Squad or Paleozoic Canadia. As silly as it may sound, leaving one’s Shiranui monsters in DEF is safer vs. this deck. On normal summon, Shiranui Squire tutors Shiranui Spectralsword from deck. a 3100 ATK Ritual Beast Ulti-Apelio – it will go back down to 2600 ATK when it attacks and will NOT be able to run over e.g. Watch out of course for backrow like Karma Cut when making the push. This also potentially stops the opponent from getting the combo pieces needed for a live Magician Navigation.}. Getting one’s normal summon effect negated by The Sanctified Darklord, either through a hard activation or a Darklord monster’s quick effect, can be devastating, as the Shiranui archetype has little to no comeback ability if the initial combo starter gets negated. Mixing Vendreads with Shiranui can lead to potentially brickier hands. If the Ritual Beast player does already have an established banish pile and gets their combos going, then the main use of Floodgate Trap Hole and Fiendish Chain is to stop Spiritual Beast Pettlephin from bouncing a card on one’s side of the field. This lets them always have another Gouki ready in hand to replace the one that they just lost. A common mistake is to banish Shiranui Spiritmaster on one’s own turn to make an aggressive push, but then have none of him left in grave for disruption on the opponent’s turn. Note that it is often easy to read when the opponent has Artifact Lancea in hand by its delay – if there are no activatable cards on board, but the opponent’s hourglass is still flashing, then there is an Artifact Lancea in hand. a level 4 Shiranui non-tuner from hand to grave to synchro with a, Mid-to-late game, this effect can be crucial for unclogging one’s board of monsters hit by, Mid-to-late game, this effect can also be used to send monsters to the grave for, This effect is most often used for the deadly, This effect is by far the most important on-banish effect of all the Shiranui monsters, as it can recycle resources as well as extend plays. Even then, Forbidden Chalice will not work if there are multiple Darklord monsters on board to copy The Sanctified Darklord. For example, a discarded Vendread Ritual monster can still be summoned from the graveyard, a discarded Spectralsword sets up a Synchro play, and a Vendread monster in the graveyard has its inherent revival effect. Evolution serves as both a Ritual Spell and the revival Spell of this deck. However, it is often not ideal to open with this card or draw it too early. This is important since it stops Invocation’s grave effect, which can otherwise recycle both itself and Aleister the Invoker. Note that if Palace of the Elemental Lords is used to search an Elementsaber monster, then the Elementsaber player must skip their battle phase next turn. There is also a combo at the end of this subsection that opts to go into Shiranui Squiresaga and Shiranui Sunsaga instead of Shiranui Samuraisaga and Shiranui Shogunsaga. the next draw. Alternatively, one can run Revived King Ha Des to avoid this issue, as his effect will negate the effects of any White Stone of Ancients that get destroyed in battle by one’s Zombie monsters. When summoning a Vendread Ritual monster with tributes from the deck, you'll most likely be milling a copy of that Ritual monster to the graveyard. A lot of what is said in the Neos - Invoked matchup above in regards to the Neos component of that deck applies here as well. Fiendish Chain) before the Witchcrafter monster declares its attack. Below are some of the more common scenarios for when one might have Turn 2 lethal with Shiranui Shogunsaga. It provides a high ATK stat and an on-demand removal effect. Banish Shiranui Samurai: return another Shiranui monster in grave back to the hand, i.e. The main concepts that we expect the readers to already know – beyond the basic rules of e.g. If you can, the best tributes to use is one Revenants plus one Spectralsword in your hand. We update this Yu-Gi-Oh! Squire in the graveyard can be banished with Spectralsword's effect. This is thanks to the technicality mentioned in the subsection on Shiranui Shogunsaga in “Core Cards”, where “return”-ing a card to the grave is not the same as “send”-ing it to grave. However, Needle Ceiling can only be activated when there are 4 or more monsters on the field, and so it is only really good against decks that spam the board, such as Blackwings or HERO. Much like the Elementsaber and Shiranui mirror matchups, Forbidden Lance and one’s own Ballista Squads shine here, with the former letting one protect one’s monsters from the traps, and the latter letting one unclog by tributing off any monsters that have been hit by Floodgate Trap Hole. This matchup can go either way, but favors whichever player techs more for the matchup. This play potentially gets the player another backrow to set, while also still setting up the grave for a level 6 summon with Shiranui Spectralsword next turn or even a Shiranui Sunsaga summon if Shiranui Shogunsaga goes to grave. From there, proceed directly to step (9). Usually the things in this deck can still be used from the graveyard so the discard cost can easily be mitigated. Early, destructive backrow like Ballista Squad is also amazing for stopping the Ritual Beast player’s combos before they can even start. One would then have more resources to work with on Turn 4, such as Shiranui Spectralsword’s effect from grave. One can also change up their plays depending on the Zombie monster in hand. The skill No Mortal Can Resist is the most deadly for Shiranui – that skill can essentially wipe away all the resources in one’s grave, including Shiranui Spectralsword. Paleozoic Canadia). Otherwise, Witchcrafter Collaboration will prevent all backrow interaction during the attack(s). Ideally, one wants to wait on attacking directly until one gets out 3 large monsters. vs. a defensive Gouki Twistcobra play: The second use of Gouki Twistcobra‘s effect defensively is to make an attack fizzle in damage step. To put it into perspective, suppose Revived King Ha Des runs over an Elementsaber Molehu or an opposing Shiranui Spectralsword. Going with this read, one can opt to leave Shiranui Squire + Shiranui Spectralsword on the field Turn 1 instead of synchro summoning. This effect even allows you to make Synchro monsters that Spectralsword won't be able to make while on the field such as Archfiend Zombie Skull and Revived King Ha Des. Note that this combos list is not a be-all and end-all, but is rather meant to be more of a foundation. While these cards can still potentially get the combo plays going, they unfortunately often either mill too few cards (i.e. essentially a Monster Reborn from the banished pile. Posted by 1 year ago. Shiranui Squire and Ballista Squad are then used to bait and remove the remaining backrow, paving the way for Shiranui Sunsaga to really pressure the matchup. Floodgate Trap Hole and Paleozoic Canadia. Avoid targeting her with e.g. If one does not have all the resources immediately on Turns 2 or 3, then it is recommended to slow play by establishing a board and setting up for next turn. It’s what makes Shiranui so great. If they are low on spells in hand, then they might not have enough to boost with Witchcrafter Madame Verre’s second effect and leave their monsters vulnerable to being run over. If one is indeed running Level Augmentation, then summoning Shiranui Sunsaga as soon as possible Turn 1 or 2 should be the gameplan when playing against Zane. Archived. In the former case, negating Elemental HERO Stratos can potentially end the HERO player’s turn, since they have burned their normal summon already. You can also brick 9 games straight but win next games quiet easily. Normally, discard traps are hard to utilize in Duel Links because of the smaller starting hand size. If one sees that the opponent is playing Yami Yugi with no skill activation at the start of the duel, then one can probably assume that it is an Elementsaber player (especially if the deck size is 22+ cards). One then wants to chain Cosmic Cyclone, Twister or Typhoon to destroy the Dark Magical Circle, making its effect fizzle after leaving the field, or chain Forbidden Lance to make one’s monster immune to Dark Magical Circle for the turn. Once one has the combos of the standard build down and knows most of the effects of the Shiranui monsters by heart, learning to play the Grass variant should be a cinch. Ballista Squad the turn it is set, or through Darklord Morningstar, which is susceptible to Floodgate Trap Hole. Discussion . Hope it helps. While the deck only needs 2 copies of Shiranui Spectralsword to function well, the limit does restrict the number of copies of other, powerful Limited 3 cards such as Cosmic Cyclone and Gold Sarcophagus that the deck can use. The targets for disruption are usually the Crystron tuners, Crystron Citree and Crystron Rion. Forbidden Chalice is not as great as the other two negation options because it can actually be negated by Crystron Impact. One might notice that Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon does provide an inherent out to Shiranui Sunsaga by tagging into Michael, the Arch-Lightsworn. In the standard, balanced builds, Ghost Meets Girl - A Shiranui’s Story can be a nice, late-game recovery card to summon back the likes of Shiranui Shogunsaga and Shiranui Sunsaga from grave. Popular Skills: Destiny Draw, Sorcery Conduit. An even better scenario would be to stop the Blue-Eyes Spirit Dragon synchro summon all together by disrupting the synchro materials with cards like Ballista Squad or Floodgate Trap Hole. Option 1 only sets up a follow up play if one is able to discard a Shiranui Spectralsword after banishing Shiranui Squire. (2) The main form of interaction in this matchup should be to try and stop the opponent from synchro summoning as much as possible. This also makes going first in this matchup ideal as it lets one set all their backrow before the Blackwing player gets to establish a board. Gold Sarcophagus can be used to banish Shiranui Spiritmaster from the deck to trigger his on-banish effect on a Darklord monster, forcing that particular Darklord to use up its HOPT effect before being destroyed (assuming no Darklord Tezcatlipoca in hand). This is safe because Blue-Eyes usually cannot OTK through backrow without setting up their White Stone of Ancients and establishing a board first. Since the monsters get bounced rather than sent to the grave, one cannot even make the usual follow up plays next turn with Shiranui Spectralsword. In grave, except the turn that he was sent there, Note that the Synchro Monster summoned off, This effect is much more powerful when running, For a quick, example application of the effect, suppose one already has, Keep the restriction to Zombie monsters in mind when using cards like, Since one typically banishes the smaller, lower ATK Shiranui monsters before. One way to stop this is to use Artifact Lancea as soon as Witchcrafter Genni hits the grave; her effect banishes for cost, so waiting until she activates her grave effect will be too late.
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