which of the following encompasses cultural diversity

Cultural diversity B. In which of the following ways does diversity enrich an organization? What does it mean to be “culturally diverse”? Cultural diversity. A smaller group of people living within the dominant culture who have adopted a cultural … When Marc actively attempts to de-marginalize himself and the group he belongs to, he is using which strategy? Discussing the surprisingly high percentage of cancers caused by secondhand smoke would most likely be an example of which attention-getting technique? those living in two different regions of the world. User: Which of the following is an effect of faster, easier communication?A) people are more apt to … These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies. © 2021, Purdue University Global, Inc., a public, nonprofit institution. Cultural values remain constant and unchanging through life. Filed in: 10. When attempting to startle or shock your audience as an attention-getting technique, you should ask all of the following except. The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. There is wide agreement that opening strong is, If you succeed in convincing the audience that what you have to share merits their attention, all of the following will happen EXCEPT, A well-delivered speech accomplishes all of the following EXCEPT, When choosing a delivery style, you should take into account all of the following EXCEPT. When selecting a topic for your first speech, you should do all of the following EXCEPT. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Imagine a place where diversity is recognized and respected; various cultural ideas are acknowledged and valued; contributions from all groups are encouraged; people are empowered to achieve their full potential; and differences are celebrated. Despite being our most frequent activity, ______is also one of our least developed skills. Taylor is at the beginning stages deciding on a topic for her speech. “Diversity is the one true thing we have in common. citizens who attempt to convince others to vote like them. Promoting a culture of diversity and equality is a conscious effort for employers. What is your racial identification? E) b. CulturalDiversity, which refers to the cultural richness of a human group. The goal of ______ is to generate as many ideas as possible without fear of critique. C) Everyone is cultured. Which of the following statements about culture is NOT true? U.S. Census Bureau, USA QuickFacts, accessed December 2010. Sexualdiversity, related to human sexuality. C. Recognizing generational traits is part of understanding workforce diversity. Cultural diversity is important because our country, workplaces, and schools increasingly consist of various cultural, racial, and ethnic groups. Cultural diversity is greater than a person's ethnicity. Our political system depends on all of the following types of people EXCEPT. b. Internet use appears to be highest among those of lower socioeconomic statuses and educational attainment levels. Though culture can be tied to specific racial or ethnic groups, it can also encompass broader groups of people. All of the following are stages of listening EXCEPT a. understanding. What happens when a speaker demonstrates respect for cultural diversity? not think too much about your topic as it will come to you. 11. It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. Diversity applies to the different generations in the workplace. Celebrate it every day.”–Anonymous. ______ is the recognition and valuing of difference. Article 3 – Cultural diversity as a factor in development Cultural diversity widens the range of options open to everyone; it is one of the roots of development, understood not simply in terms of economic growth, but also as a means to achieve a more satisfactory intellectual, emotional, moral and spiritual existence. Culture C. Audience diversity D. Audience culture. What is cultural diversity? 1. We can learn from one another, but first we must have a level of understanding about each other in order to facilitate collaboration and cooperation. will it ignite their emotions so they believe what I say? Which of the following best describes cultural diversity? Cultural diversity encompasses all of the following factors EXCEPT A. Functionaldiversity, a sociological term that refers to physical limitations. Low-context communication is generally seen in ______ cultures. Embracing cultural diversity in the workplace is an important first step for businesses that want to be competitive on an international scale. We will evaluate your JST and civilian transcript for credit and determine the most efficient path to your chosen degree. 2. What is your religion? Adapted from Promoting Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency, accessed December 2010. 1. Answer: D. Resort with the use of herbal medicines with healing properties. C. The nurse is aware of the role of cultural health beliefs and practices in the person's health-seeking behavior and is able to negotiate treatment options appropriately and in a culturally sensitive way. Include at least the following: There are many types of cultural diversity, some of them are: 1. Recognize and understand that concepts within the helping profession, such as family, gender roles, spirituality, and emotional well-being, vary significantly among cultures and influence behavior. the language of your speech should not change based on your audience. It also … Based on demographic data, there is a good chance you will find yourself speaking before what kinds of audiences? What holidays do you celebrate? Which of the following is NOT an effective attention-getting technique? They are likely part of. Learn more about online programs at Purdue Global and download our program guide. We believe in the importance of promoting quality early learning environments for children that are culturally and developmentally appropriate.
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