world war 2 casualties

During World War II Japan occupied Nauru in August 1942 and deported 1,200 Nauruans to work as laborers in the Caroline Islands, where 463 died. world war ii winter battlefield scene with soldier down - dead of world war ii stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images The early morning sun reveals the corpses of Japanese soldiers half-buried in the … Several alliances formed over the past decades were invoked, so within weeks the major powers were at war; as … Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1959. They may be entitled to a gravestone, flag for their coffin, and burial in a National Cemetery", Summary of Merchant Marine Personnel Casualties in World War II, US Coast Guard, Washington: Government Printing Office, July 1, 1950, p. VII, "U.S. ed. The Commission determined that the demographic estimates by the German government counted as missing 90,000 ethnic Germans assimilated into the Czech population; military deaths were understated and that the 1950 census data used to compute the demographic losses was unreliable. Deported during the War 1941–1945 about 2.3 million persons of Soviet ethnic minorities including: Soviet Germans 1,209,000; Finns 9,000; Karachays 69,000; Kalmyks 92,000; Chechens and Ingush 479,000; Balkars 37,000; Crimean Tatars 191,014; Meskhetian Turks 91,000; Greeks, Bulgarians and Armenians from Crimea 42,000; Ukrainian OUN members 100,000; Poles 30,000. Population Changes in Europe Since 1939, Geneva 1951.p.44-45. P.312-314 Anglo-Irish War: 1919 1921 776: 898: 1674 Military includes Royal Irish Constabulary. [10] The People's Republic of China puts its war dead at 20 million,[11] while the Japanese government puts its casualties due to the war at 3.1 million.[12]. Archivalien und ausgewählte Erlebnisberichte. In addition 2,000 Danish volunteers were killed serving in the Germany military. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians. p. 273; Ufficio Storico dello Stato Maggiore dell'Esercito, Ishikida, Miki (2005). Service Records are not generally available for World War 2 casualties – only to direct family members. This week marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Toward Peace: War Responsibility, Postwar Compensation, and Peace Movements and Education in Japan. [253] The Stalin regime deported the entire populations of ethnic minorities considered to be potentially disloyal. Of these, approximately 330,000 were fatalities. Rüdiger Overmans writes "It seems entirely plausible, while not provable, that one half of the 1.5 million missing on the eastern front were killed in action, the other half (700,000) however in fact died in Soviet custody". vs. Australia 199,511 killed and 15,000 wounded. Conflict Casualties. Since the collapse of the USSR, Polish scholars have been able to do research in the Soviet archives on Polish losses during the Soviet occupation. There were 1,536 deaths among the 13,996 interned civilians in 1942–45. "Christian Streit: Keine Kameraden: Die Wehrmacht und die Sowjetischen Kriegsgefangenen, 1941–1945, Bonn: Dietz (3. POW deaths 3,000.              Japan proper 10,543 killed and 6,782 wounded According to Russian estimates the population in 1939 included 20.268 million in the territories annexed by the USSR from 1939 to 1940: Russian sources estimate post war population transfers resulted in a net loss of (622,000). 2: 1978 (3,000,000), Encyclopædia Britannica – 1992 (2,384,000), The Expulsion of 'German' Communities from Eastern Europe at the end of the Second World War, Steffen Prauser and Arfon Rees, European University Institute, Florence. Total Bulgarian military war dead were 18,500 including 6,671 battle deaths, There were 3,000 civilian deaths in Allied air raids including 1,400 in the bombing of Sofia, A Russian historian in a handbook of human losses in the 20th century has provided the following assessment of Bulgarian casualties:Military deaths: 2,000 military Axis occupation forces in Yugoslavia and Greece; 10,124 dead, Military casualties with the pro-Japanese, Library and Archives Canada puts military losses at 44,090 (24,525 Army, 17,397 Air Force, 2,168 Navy. Andreev, E.M.; Darski, L.E. The names of U.S. We've done our best to craft a valuable and comprehensive product for the benefit of our world's collective history, however we make no claims of 100% accuracy. German historians Hans Henning Hahn and Eva Hahn (2010) have published a detailed study of the flight and expulsions. Under Japanese internment, 992 died and another 544 were listed as "unknown"; under German internment, 168 died and a further 715 were listed as "unknown". Hitler decided to besiege Leningrad and starve it to death. pedagog. The U.S. Bureau of the Census published a report in 1954 that concluded that Yugoslav war-related deaths were 1,067,000. [7] Historian Rüdiger Overmans of the Military History Research Office (Germany) published a study in 2000 that estimated the German military dead and missing at 5.3 million, including 900,000 men conscripted from outside of Germany's 1937 borders, in Austria, and in east-central Europe. Ursprünge, Arten und Folgen des Konstrukts "Bevölkerung" vor, im und nach dem "Dritten Reich" Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bevölkerungswissensch: Rűdiger Overmans. Total missing and POW were 341,765 (283,322 with Axis and 58,443 with Allies), only about 80,000 survived Soviet captivity. [256][257] Robert Conquest and Steven Rosefielde have disputed the accuracy of the data from the Soviet archives, maintaining that the demographic data and testimonials by survivors of the Gulag labor camps indicate a higher death toll. … There were an additional 31,271 military deaths due to "natural causes" which are not included in these figures. Total deaths from 1940 to 1953 due to the war and the Soviet occupation were approximately 83,000 persons (7.3% of the population). A look at American casualties in some of the major battles of World War II. The total number of military and civilian casualties in World War I was over 37 million. 1992-6, Stephane Courtois, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression, Harvard Univ Pr, 1999. This document lists War Department casualties (Army and Army Air Force personnel) from World War II. An estimated total of 70–85 million people perished, or about 3% of the 1940 world population (est. Some scholars maintain that the definition of the Holocaust should also include the other victims persecuted and killed by the Nazis. Included in the losses are 64,000 victims of Nazi reprisals and genocide including 30,000 POWs and 8,500 Jews. Figure does not include the Nazi euthanasia program, German Federal Archive, Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 1945–1948. The breakout by service is as follows: Army 318,274 (234,874 battle, 83,400 nonbattle). The official casualty statistics published by the governments of the United States, France, and the UK do not give the details of the national origin, race and religion of the losses. Moscow, Nauka, 1993; S. N. Mikhalev, Liudskie poteri v Velikoi Otechestvennoi voine 1941–1945 gg: Statisticheskoe issledovanie, Krasnoiarskii gos. That was sometimes done if the deceased was, for example, an ammunition worker, air raid victim or a civilian worker who for some other reason died because of the war. Military deaths included: 108 dead in the. Mai 1974. By Neera Sahni. The civilians who died away from their home country are numbered among the civilian casualties of the host nation. The 1939 Population for Germany within 1937 borders, Foreign nationals of German ancestry in the countries of, (1949) The West German Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office)estimated total war dead of 5,483,000; (3,250,000)military; (500,000) civilians killed in bombing raids and the land campaign; (1,533,000) deaths in the expulsions from Poland and (200,000) victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. 31–33 (they give figure of 300,00 German deaths due to racial, religious and political persecution including 170,000 Jews. E. Bruce Reynolds, "Aftermath of Alliance: The Wartime Legacy in Thai-Japanese Relations". For the purposes of CWGC the dates of inclusion for Commonwealth War Dead are 3 September 1939 to 31 December 1947.              Manchuria: 45,900, 800, (46,700)              Siberia: 52,300, 400, (52,700) A total of 2,419 American civilian internees were listed as dead and missing. There were over 16 million deaths and 20 million wounded ranking it among the deadliest conflicts in human history. [Tokyo], 1949, p. 1058, Tables 608–09, Annual Changes in Population of Japan Proper 1 October 1920–1 October 1947, General Headquarters for the Allied Powers Economic and Scientific Section Research and Programs Division. Soviet sources list the deaths of 474,967 of the 2,652,672 German Armed Forces, Estimated total Soviet military war dead in 1941–45 on the. [252] The Soviet-era archive figures on the Gulag labor camps has been the subject of a vigorous academic debate outside Russia since their publication in 1991. Total U.S. military deaths in battle and from other causes were 407,316. Людские потери СССР в период второй мировой войны: сборник статей -Human Losses of the USSR in the Period of WWII: Collection of Articles. (1942-09/18/1947) ( Most Recent) Type of Archival Materials: Textual Records . 1056–57, Table 607. 78–79, The Statistisches Jahrbuch für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, Page 78, German Federal Archive, Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 1945–1948. (1942-09/18/1947) ( Most Recent) Type of Archival Materials: Textual Records . This is the country, after the Soviet Union and Germany itself, with the biggest percentage of [Second World War] casualties in its population.” That was a bit of a surprise, so I did some checking. Home; Nursing and Health; world war i despite causing fewer casualties was more impactful to the course of human history than was world war ii; composition paper | February 9, 2021 . Over 60 million people were killed, which was over 2.5% of the world population. [398] It is estimated that the Soviet Unionlost 27 million military and civilians in World War II. The total still missing on 2/28/1946 were 6,244; Navy (340); Army (2,267); Air Force (3,089); Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service (18); With an introd. The most numerous victims were Serbs. [407][408][409][410][411][412][413][414][415][416], German government figures of 2.0 to 2.5 million civilian deaths due to expulsions have been disputed by scholars since the publication of the results of the German church search service survey and the report by the German Federal Archive. Non-Jews persecuted and killed by Nazi and Nazi-affiliated forces, Michael Ellman and S. Maksudov, Soviet Deaths in the Great Patriotic War: a note – World War II –. Deaths directly caused by the war (including military and civilians fatalities) are estimated at 50–56 million, with an additional estimated 19–28 million deaths from war … They listed 210,000 direct war casualties in the Netherlands, not including the. World War II Casualties .              Sumatra: 2,700, 500, (3,200) About 326,000 civilians and military personnel were left wounded. [405] German government reports which were released to the public in 1987 and 1989 have caused some historians in Germany to put the actual total at 500,000 to 600,000. Some 40 Irish citizens were killed by accidental, The Italian government issued an accounting of the war dead in 1957, they broke out the losses before and after the, Military losses in Italy after the September 1943. The Entente Powers (also known as the Allies) lost about 5.7 million soldiers while the Central Powers lost about 4 million. ; Kharkova, T.L. World War II casualties. Losses of about 10,000 in the German Armed Forces are not included in these figures, they are included with German military casualties. Some 16,000 Austrians were killed in prison, while over 67,000 Austrian Jews were deported to death camps, only 2,000 of them lived to see the end of the war.              Thailand: 6,900, 100, (7,000) All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021, The 10 Most Populated Countries In Europe. [431][432][433][434][435][436][437][438], Military war dead (1942-09/18/1947) ( Most Recent) Type of Archival Materials: Textual Records . (2005) The German government issued a report listing total war dead of 7,375,800 (3,100,000 soldiers killed; 1,200,000 soldiers missing; 500,000 civilians killed in bombing raids; 2,251,500 civilian victims of expulsions and deportations; 24,300 Austrian civilians killed and 300,000 victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. Werner Gruhl, Imperial Japan's World War Two, 1931–1945 Transaction 2007; Gniazdowski, Mateusz. Welcome to the Conflict Casualties page. The official Russian figure for total POW held by the Germans is 4,059,000; the number of Soviet, Conscripted reservists is an estimate of men called up, primarily in 1941, who were killed in battle or died as. Census Bureau cited the following source for the population at 1/1/1939 for Czechoslovakia, State Statistical Office, Statistical Bulletin of Czechoslovakia, v. II (1947) no. [270] Some parishes continued burying in the Second World War military cemeteries up to the 1980s. Of this total 120,000 died and 160,000 were injured in the atomic bombings, leaving 213,000 dead and 313,000 injured by conventional bombing. Demographic Research, Vol. These figures are for Germany in 1937 borders, (1956) The West German Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office)estimated total war dead of 5,650,000 = (3,760,000)military; (430,000)civilians killed in bombing raids and the land campaign; (1,260,000) deaths to expulsion from Poland and (200,000) victims of Nazi racial, religious or political persecution. Of those, 114 had ties to Buffalo County. The Japanese government figures for POW deaths are not in agreement with Soviet figures. "United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. [4][5][6] In August 2009 the Polish Institute of National Remembrance (IPN) researchers estimated Poland's dead at between 5.6 and 5.8 million. Dieter Pohl, Verfolgung und Massenmord in der NS-Zeit 1933–1945, WBG (Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft), 2003; "Tomasz Szarota 1945">Wojciech Materski and, Rossiiskaia Akademiia nauk. Ursprünge, Arten und Folgen des Konstrukts "Bevölkerung" vor, im und nach dem "Dritten Reich" Zur Geschichte der deutschen Bevölkerungswissenschaft: Hans Sperling, Die Luftkriegsverluste während des zweiten Weltkriegs in Deutschland, Wirtschaft und Statistik October 1956, journal published by Statistisches Bundesamt Deutschland. The annual death rate in 1942–1945 of Americans interned by Japan was about 3.5%. [616] The USHMM reports between 77,000 and 99,000 persons were killed at the Jasenovac and Stara Gradiška concentration camps.
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